Aug 8, 2022 - Vegas Mishap, Ch 2 (FR-13)

Aug 08, 2022 20:32

Aug 8, 2022 - Vegas Mishap, Ch 2 (FR-13)
Author: mmooch
Summary: Buffy has to tell the truth when Tony goes missing in Afghanistan.
Challenge: for the livejournal 2022 August Fic-a-Day Challenge
Crossover: MCU
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 821
Timeline: Iron Man for MCU; post-series for BtVS
A/N: Sorry that I’m not updating the Flowers story, but I read a story about Buffy and Tony being soulmates and it inspired me to do a second chapter for this story from last year.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. MCU characters belongs to Marvel et al. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Slayer HQ

The big three of the new Council were watching the breaking news which blared that Tony Stark, CEO of Stark Industries, was kidnapped following a demonstration of the latest Stark weapon in Afghanistan. The anchors were going on about everything they knew from the military sources and what this meant for SI.

Buffy thought for a few minutes, torn between wanting to keep her secret and not wanting her husband - even if it was going to be annulled soon - to be hurt by a bunch of terrorists. Finally, she turned to Willow and asked, “How bad is this? In human terms, not Hellmouthy ones,” she clarified.

“Well, SI is a multi-billion company that employs hundreds of thousands of people across the globe. While they have some of the best and brightest working there, a lot of their success derives from the inventions - both military and technological - that Stark himself creates,” Willow explained. “If he isn’t found relatively soon, it will start a snowball effect. First, the company’s stock will suffer, people will possibly be laid off, that sort of thing. Then it will expand outward, and it could harm the economy, in the US and elsewhere in the world.”

Sensing there was more to the question than idle curiosity, Willow looked at her best friend and asked, “Why do you ask?”

“Okay, remember Dawn and Xander’s impromptu wedding?” Buffy said semi-rhetorically.

“Of course, it was only a few days ago,” Giles commented sardonically, raising an eyebrow at his Slayer’s squirrelly behavior.

“Well, I might have had a lot to drink that night and Faith dared me to go up to this guy and ask him to dance…”

“What does this have to do with…?” Willow trailed off before she came to what she thought was a logical conclusion. She pointed at the TV and practically yelled, “You slept with him!”

Blushing, Buffy stuttered, “If only it were something as simple as that. Keep in mind that this was Las Vegas and we’re already working to take care of it, but-”

This time Giles interrupted her, “You married him.” And just like that, they went back in time several years and his took off his glasses to give them a thorough, albeit unnecessary cleaning.

“Yes, but his lawyer is already working on the annulment!” Buffy quickly assured them.

Willow shook her head fondly and teased, “Only you, Buffy.”

“Please tell me that’s the only earth-shattering news you have,” Giles pleaded.

Buffy wondered what else he could be thinking of when it dawned on her, “I think it’s a little too soon for me to know, but I don’t think so?”

Giles’ expression turned confused, and he inquired, “What are you talking about?”

“Me being pregnant. What are you talking about?”

“Oh, dear lord! I was talking about him knowing you’re the Slayer!” he exclaimed, fidgeting with his glasses some more.

“Oh!” Buffy murmured uneasily. “No, I pretty sure he doesn’t.” When he glared at her, she added defensively, “I was really drunk, so I can’t be sure of what happened, but he didn’t act like he knew!”

Before they could go off on another tangent, Buffy went on, “My point is, should we use our resources to find him or just let the military take care of it?”

“Even if we decided to, I’d need something of his for a location spell,” Willow pointed out.

“Would my wedding ring work?” Buffy asked, pulling the chain from inside her shirt and showing them the ring he bought her.

“Holy crap! How big is that?” Willow demanded, pulling the ring towards her and Buffy along with it.

“The jeweler said it’s 7 carats, but I don’t wear it when I go out slaying!” she quickly assured them.

Giles gave her a shrewd look, then asked, “Why do you wear it at all? You aren’t planning to remain married to him, are you?”

“No! I already told you we’re getting an annulment!” Buffy reminded him and shrugged helplessly, “I just figured this might be my only chance and wanted to pretend a little longer that it was real.”

Willow teared up at the confession and pulled her into a hug. “Oh, Buffy, you’ll get your real chance.”

Buffy laughed bitterly, and snarked, “With who? A normal guy would just be a liability, and I can’t even hold onto a vampire without them eventually deciding that I’m ‘better off without them’ - yet they can move on and have relationships with other people.”

Knowing that trying to assure her any more would just make the blonde Slayer dig her heels in more, Willow went back to the original question. “Since he gave it to you, it might work.” She pour as much power into as she needed to make it work.

Who knows, maybe Tony Stark could be her happily ever after. Okay, that was probably doubtful, but Willow was a sucker for her friends’ HEA.

A/N: Yikes, just like the first chapter, this end up in a different place than I intended. Guess I’m just as bitter about her love life as Buffy is.

author: mmooch, !2022 august event, fandom: iron man

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