Aug 7 - If You Have To Ask...

Aug 07, 2022 19:12

Title: If You Have To Ask...
Author: Grundy
Rating: FR13
Crossover: LotR/Silmarillion
Disclaimer: All belongs to Whedon & Tolkien. No money is being made here, it's all in good fun.
Summary: A outtake from "The Brief History of Time Since You've Been Dead" lecture series given by Tindomiel.
Word Count: 325
Note: Sorry, y'all - dehydration headache means that while I have many ideas, I also have a powerful need to lie down with a cool washcloth over my eyes and wait for my body to notice all the water I've been drinking. Back to Anariel in Tirion tomorrow.

“What were his younger brothers doing while Nelyo was being dangled off a mountainside?” Fëanáro asked, doing his best not to sound cranky.

“I’m not entirely sure. Haru doesn’t talk about it. Well, not to me anyway. I bet Anariel’s badgered him into telling her all about it.”

There was a note of resentment in her voice. She didn’t have to say it’s not fair - he heard it anyway. He suspected every younger sibling since Cuivienen had sounded that particular note about an older sibling at least once.

“What do the rest of our kin say?” Fëanaro asked, thinking that was obvious.

“Well, seeing as Grandpa Nolo and everyone didn’t show up until Maedhros had been hanging out a while, they probably don’t really know either. For all I can tell you, they may have been sitting around feeling sorry for themselves and taking turns proposing and shooting down stupid ideas for rescue plans.”

Tindomiel paused.

“We can take a break if you want,” she offered. “I mean, it’s a lot to take in, and it’s all new to you.”

Fëanor snorted.

“Having started, you might as well continue,” he said in what he clearly thought was a normal tone of voice. “How-”

Tindomiel clapped a hand across his mouth.

“Don’t say it,” she warned.

He raised one remarkably expressive eyebrow.

She was starting to get the impression that even the twins might finally meet their match in terms of parental figures who couldn’t be fooled the day they came face to face with Fëanor. Although, the twins plus Anariel might manage it…

“You were totally about to say something like ‘how bad could it be?’ or ‘how much worse could it get?’ and not only do I have a serious aversion to people saying that thanks to my life in California, back in the First Age, pretty much anytime either of those questions were asked, the answer was always ‘worse than you think’.”

!2022 august event, author: grundy, fandom: lord of the rings

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