Title: Redirected
Author: 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions on TtH)
Crossover: BtVS / Stargate SG-1
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1,262
Timeline: BtVS: Early seasons & SG-1: After Jack became a General.
Disclaimer: Nothing copyrighted belongs to yours truly.
Summary: In which there's informtion sharing and some refusal to share.
Author's Note: Written for Day 07 of the 2022 August Fic-A-Day.
A/N 2: This is definitely rushed. My apologies.
When Buffy arrived in the silo-looking room, she quickly realized that only a few of the invaders were actually human. The rest could've easily been mistaken for human-looking demons if you didn't get too close, but something about how they felt on her senses told her they were something else. She did not hesitate and just threw herself into the fray.
It was different from her normal fighting in the way that she had to dodge military people, bullets from multiple angles, and avoid harming or killing the not-demons human masters, but she was adaptable, and the violence felt great. The fight didn't last as long as she had hoped, mainly because someone raised the shield thingy inside the huge circle which caused whoever tried to enter to crash against it, and presumably get killed in the process.
When General O'Neill called for everyone to stop, she was holding one of the bad guys on his knees in front of her. Someone had shot another two, and the third had two different soldiers pointing guns at him while a third placed one of those zip bracelet things that were used instead of metal handcuffs on him. All the not-demons were dead.
Another two soldiers took over her prisoner while an unhappy-looking General ordered her to come along.
"Where are we going?"
"The infirmary to get checked out."
Buffy frowned, "But I was just there! And I'm not hurt."
He just gave her a look and she wilted a little under it and decided it would probably be in her best interest to just go along and be a good girl. At least for the time being.
After a second check-up by Dr. Janet, and having to wait for her to check over the General and the other three people as they weren't lucky enough to have an excuse this time, they were finally back in the meeting room again. Except this time her clothes had gotten even more yucky stuff on them so the good doctor had given her a pair of blue BDU pants and a blue Air Force sweater. The latter was several sizes too large, but it was very comfortable. It did have the unfortunate side effect of making her look like a young child playing dress-up.
General O'Neill had sat down in the same seat as last time, but Buffy had ended up across from her last seating. She was also right next to Teal'c and directly opposite Dr. Jackson. Colonel Carter was to the General's right, just as she had been last time. The other difference had been that they'd been joined by a Southerner who had easily introduced himself as Colonel Cameron Mitchell before sitting down on her left side.
"Right," O'Neill looked sort of sternly at her. "I am absolutely certain that I told you to stay up here and not go anywhere. So why did you disobey that order?"
Buffy raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow, just a little. "I'm not a soldier, General O'Neill. I don't take orders from you or anyone else. And while I know I'm short and look fragile, I'm not. I'm an excellent fighter, and I know you saw it. Standing idle and watching while others are in trouble isn't who I am." He grumbled but didn't look particularly happy.
"About that," Colonel Carter asked, and Buffy switched her focus to her. "How were you able to fight them? The Zirkan are stronger than normal humans, and you killed them easily. Even threw a couple of them over your head and away from yourself."
"That's classified." She wasn't certain if that was actually the case, at least not if it was legally binding, but she was definitely supposed to keep quiet about it either way. The Council and their politics had never really interested her, and she was kind of regretting that now.
Carter gave her what she clearly thought was a reassuring smile, but ended up closer to condescending. "We have a very high clearance due to the nature of this program. I'm sure it will cover whatever you're involved in. If it exists in this reality we probably either know about it or we could get read in."
"If you had known about it then you wouldn't have been asking, or at least you would've asked different questions, and I don't even know if the reason or organization exists here so... That's a no. Not telling."
"How about you tell us your full name instead?" She turned to the man on Carter's right.
"Why do you need my full name, Dr. Jackson?" Because what? How did that relate to what they were talking about?
"It's just Daniel. And we need your name so we can check if there's already a you in this reality. If there is we need to hurry up and get you back to where you belong. If there isn't, or our version of you is deceased we have a lot more time."
Off Buffy's confused look, Carter expanded on the explanation. "It's because of an effect called Entropic Cascade Failure. If two versions of the same person are in the same reality, the one who doesn't belong will start to suffer a physical breakdown at the cellular level due to temporal distortion. If you don't have a counterpart here then you will not suffer any ill effects."
"Um," Buffy said, then looked around at the others. "Can someone please repeat that using small understandable words, please?"
"What Carter was trying to say is that the universe will tear you apart after about 48 hours if we already have a Buffy of our own." The newcomer, Mitchell, explained. "So, we need your full name and other information so we can find out how much time we have to get you home without you getting hurt or ceasing to exist."
"Oh." She quickly gave them her personalia like full name, date of birth, name of her parents, where she was from, and where she lived. Because if the universe was going to get upset with her for being in this reality then she really, really wanted to go home. Then she thought of something else while Carter left to check if Buffy had an alternate.
"What happens if there isn't another me here, but you're unable to send me home to my reality?" Alternatives, she needed those so she wouldn't have to think about the bad ones.
"We'll create an identity for you using the information you've given us, and then you'll be placed with someone in the program who will act as your foster parents until you turn 18. We've done something similar before."
This time Buffy kind of stared at him, "You have integrated people from other realities into this one before?"
"No," General O'Neill corrected, "but we have integrated people from other planets, both children and adults." He thought for a moment, "Dr. Frasier's daughter, Cassandra, comes from a planet called Hanka. She has successfully been able to transition from living on another planet to living on Earth, so I'm sure it'll be much easier for you who are already familiar with it."
"Let me guess," Buffy asked somewhat rhetorically," she's listed as being Canadian?"
They all responded in the affirmative. "I am from California and I'm not so good with the lying, so you better keep any information as close to the truth as possible, or I'll be in a lot of trouble. Even if I don't think anyone will guess the truth."
O'Neill smiled reassuringly, "I'm sure that can be arranged."