23Aug21 - Runs In The Family

Aug 23, 2021 21:43

Title: Runs In The Family
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / NCIS
Characters: Buffy Summers, Jethro Gibbs
Rating: Suitable for people over 13.
Word Count: 413
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of NCIS belong to CBS, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Related Fics: Emergency Response
WARNINGS: unrelated to any canon anywhere, rushed work - short on time and not a good day, seems like there’s a missing bit between the two which may or may not get written.

Summary: “Think it runs in the family?”

Runs In The Family
By Beriaearwen

Buffy inhaled more deeply and became aware of something under her nose. Something else was uncomfortable on her left hand and there were noises that were unfamiliar, but still seemed vaguely familiar.

A large, warm hand was holding her right one. It wasn’t calloused in the right places to be Giles or Xander so she struggled to open her eyes.

The first thing she saw was a the ceiling.

Next she saw the read-outs on the screen at the foot of her bed.


The word floated through her mind and paused for a moment before exploding into connections.

She’d been infected with a particular, thankfully rare, demon poison while saving a group of mini-slayers from their own youthful enthusiasm when it struck her.

It was eating through her system, carried by her blood. She needed a transfusion, but it had to be from a close family member.

Dawn was the wrong blood type - a fact which they carefully ignored since it pointed, once again, to the fact Dawn was her daughter and she had a father out there somewhere - and their mother was dead. That left the man on Buffy’s birth certificate.

Buffy’s eyes drifted over to meet the blue ones watching her intently, a look on his face she couldn’t quite determine - awe, pride, love. It was the look a father gave a newborn child.

“Hey, Buffy,” he said softly. “Your sister can be very persistent when she needs to be.”

Buffy offered a very slight smile.

Before they could continue their conversation, a nurse came in the started checking.

“I’ll be back later,” Gibbs said, before leaving

Buffy nodded.

It was an hour later that he popped his head in again, carrying a small stuffed animal and a bouquet of flowers. Her sister was talking to her.

Both women turned to look at him.

“Thank you,” Buffy greeted, her words sincere.

“We’re family,” was Gibbs’ reply. It was that simple for him.

Buffy and Dawn’s smiles grew. “We are,” the blonde agreed.

Dawn stood from her chair and shooed Gibbs into that one before taking one on the other side of Buffy.

Buffy shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable. “Dawnie tells me you’ve got a penchant for saving the day.”

“She tells me the same about you,” Gibbs returned.

Buffy tilted her head as she studied him, a small smile on her face. “Think it runs in the family?”

Gibbs smile grew. They were going to get along just fine.


!2021 august event, fandom: ncis, author: beriaearwen

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