13 August 2019 - Emergency Response

Aug 13, 2019 22:18

Title: Emergency Response
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / NCIS
Characters: Dawn, Gibbs
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 935
Disclaimer: The characters of each show belong to their respective creators, production companies, etc. and are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended

Notes: Apologies in advance. I only had about 25 minutes.

Summary: “I'm Dawn Summers. I'm an intern at the IWC.” “I'm afraid I don't know what the IWC is.”

Emergency Response
By Beriaearwen

Gibbs sat at his desk, putting the finishing touches on his report. The bullpen was quiet at this time of night. Of course, he'd chased his team out about an hour ago so he could focus. The ding announcing the elevator caught his attention and he turned to look at it. A young woman stepped out who he didn't recognize. She was young, looked to be just out of high school, if he had to guess, was slightly above average in height, fine boned with blue eyes and dark hair. And she absolutely should not be here unchaperoned.

Feeling himself tense at the possibility of this woman being a threat, he pushed away from his desk slightly so he could be more ready to move. He kept his eye on her as she walked straight to his desk.

“Agent Gibbs?” she inquired, though her expression let him know she already knew the answer.


“I'm Dawn Summers. I'm with the IWC. We recently came across some information I felt should be shared with you.”

“I'm afraid I don't know what the IWC is,” he admitted, alarms ringing in his head.

“I figured as much. We recently underwent a management change and re-branding. Our organizationis still classified, but we're trying to establish working relationships.”

“We?” Gibbs questioned. “Shouldn't you still be in college? And inter-agency issues are the Director's domain.” He noted the slight flush on the woman's cheeks.

“I'm actually an intern at the moment. Once I graduate college, I have a position waiting at the IWC and... And that's not really why I'm here,” she admitted, suddenly looking uncomfortable.

Gibbs raised an eyebrow in question.

Reaching into the messenger bag she brought with her, Dawn pulled out a manila folder and passit to Gibbs. “The reason I'm here is that we need your help. I need your help. My sister is in a bad way and... Read the file,” she finished, waving her hand at it.

Cautiously, Gibbs flipped open the folder. The front page was a normal stat sheet on the young woman who must be related to the one in front of him - Buffy Summers was the woman's name.

He read down the list of current information and came to a stop three quarters of the way down. He dropped the file and glared at the young woman in front of him. “If this is some sort of sick joke, it's not funny.”

“It's not!” Dawn denied just as vehemently. “We didn't know. We never knew. It wasn't until we tried to get passports five years ago that she ever saw her birth certificate.”

Jethro let that sink in. “If you knew five years ago, why approach me now?”

Dawn took a deep breath, her nervousness apparent. “First, we had just lost everything in the Sunnydale sinkhole so we had no resources to use to find you. Then we got up in rebuilding the IWC. By the time we had the time and resources to find you, Buffy... She would never admit it, but she was afraid you'd reject her.”

“So she rejected me first,” he deduced, his voice showing no emotion. In truth, he wasn't sure what he was feeling. After loosing his wife and daughter... He never thought he might have another daughter out there. But this one was all grown up and didn't seem to need him. Keeping eye contact with the young woman, his daughter's half-sister, he asked, “So, why are you contacting me now?”

Dawn's breath this time was shaky and he could see her clutch the strap of the messenger bag more tightly to steady her hands. “Because she's in no condition to say no.”

Jethro's mind ran through various scenarios of why his daughter couldn't make the choice herself and didn't come up with any he liked.

“She's stable right now, but she needs at least a transfusion from a close family member. I'm the wrong blood type, but you aren't.”

Gibbs looked from the anxious young woman in front of him back to the file. He already knew his answer, but the investigator in him demanded he get more facts first. Taking a few minutes, he read through the remainder of the file. He could tell that a number of pages were missing - most likely for patient confidentiality - but the prognosis he read was not very hopeful. Still, she was his daughter.

“I can't just leave now. I need to check with the Director, reassign some tasks...”

“Do what you need to do, but do it quickly,” Dawn pleaded. “I'm not sure how much time Buffy has.”

Gibbs nodded and tried to hand the file back to Dawn who refused it. “I'm sure you'll want to do more research, but when you do, just know that not everything is what it appears to be. Sunnydale had, possibly, the most corrupt and inept police force in the nation.” She waited as Jethro processed this and added, “Agent Gibbs, Buffy's the only family I have left. I can't lose her too.”

Cursing himself for being soft, any remaining doubt had just been removed. He wouldn't take away someone's only family if he could - legally - do something about it. Pulling out a card, he handed it to her. “This is my cell. Call me tomorrow at ten. I should have everything arranged by then.”

Tears welled in the blue eyes across from him, but didn't fall. “Thank you,” came her choked reply.

Gibbs nodded. He had a daughter to save.


!2019 august event, fandom: ncis, author: beriaearwen

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