August 5 - Prevent the Future (BtVS/American Horror Story)

Aug 05, 2019 23:45

Title: Prevent the Future
Author: Glitterangelem
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and American Horror Story
Rating: PG
Word Count: 595

Dampness tricked down her spine. While she was Southern California born and raised, Willow was not used to the level of humidity during the summer months in New Orleans. Especially after the years spent in Cleveland. Wiping a bead of sweat off her forehead, Willow gave her companion a tight smile before reaching forward to push open the black metal gates surrounding the Academy. She frowned as the gates refused to open.

Looking around, her frown deepened as she noticed there wasn’t any type of buzzer or keypad, or really any way to communicate with someone in the school. She turned to her fellow witch and asked, “You’re sure we need to come here?”

“Yes,” her companion replied in a slightly breathy voice, her eyes unfocusing momentarily as she seemed to stare through the grand building. “We must prevent the future.”

“Of course,” Willow muttered. “Trust a seer to respond like that.”

The woman seemed unaffected by Willow’s annoyance, simply giving her a dreamy grin. Closing her eyes in defeat, Willow reached out with her magic and pushed the gate open. She knew it would most likely gain the attention of those in the academy, but if Althenea’s visions were correct, she needed to tell these witches what was coming.

What needed to be prevented.

As if on cue, the doors to the house opened. A tall woman walked purposefully out of the house, her eyes focusing in on Willow and Althenea. She was trailed by three other younger women. A look of surprise seemed to cross the face of the main witch for a moment before being replaced by a look of indifference. Willow could feel power gathering behind the woman, power growing in the academy as more witches combined their magic, to combat a potential threat. They were stronger.

But she was still stronger. For now, at least. Because of the knowledge she carried.

“What reason do you have for interrupting my Academy?” the tall woman asked, her voice speaking of control and power, of strength beyond that of other witches Willow had faced before. She started to speak, but was interrupted by Altheanea’s sharp tone.

“There is an apocalypse upon us, one that cannot be stopped by just one power alone,” the seer said, her voice harsher than Willow had ever heard. Altheanea turned to one of the younger women, her eyes going white as she called her power. “You have already traveled to this time to end the threat of one, but it is not yet over. Not when remnants of the Outposts exists.”

The younger woman turned pale, and their leader turned questioning eyes to her fellow witch. “Mallory, you know of what she speaks?”

“Yes, Cordelia,” Mallory whispered, her face ashen at the proclamation by the seer. “There’s much you must know, if what she says is true.”

For a moment, there was silence between the groups. Magic strained in each of them in the tense silence until Cordelia nodded her head once. “We will discuss matters in the Academy. But take heed. The women and girls in this Academy are under my protection and if anything happens to them while you are here, I will not hesitate to resolve such matters.”

A less experience witch would have cowered at the words, overwhelmed by the rush of magic pushing back at them. Willow was not that type of witch. Throwing her own power up, allowing just the hint of white to lighten her hair, Willow replied. “We’re not a threat to you. We’re just here to save the world.”

fandom: american horror story, !2019 august event, author: glitterangelem

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