Oh shit, I almost forgot.

Jul 15, 2005 18:52

My computer crashed. It's all fucked up. I just wrote about this. but appearantly I'll have to talk about it again, cuase livejournals just was being retarded.

So yeah, I was sitting there workng my computer and all of a sudden the screen got all fuzzy and weird. Mixed colors and wierd symbols were also present. It continued to get worse. So I restarted it. And I couldnt' see anything. I can run it in safe mode, but it's still fuggered.

Fortunately I had been backing all my stuff up the previous few weeks, So I didn't lose anything important. Take that stupd computer fags that make viruses for my computer. I intended on buying a computer at the end of the summer. But that doesn't mean I was going to get rid of my old one:(. With my luck I'll probably put the virus back on my computer with the stuff that I backed up.

Since I don't care if I lose anything I'm hoping that some computer guy can fixe it relatively easily and at a low cost. We'll see.

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