May 30, 2007 03:38
i got my eyebrows done yesterday at the salon in sears. when i asked to see what she had done so far, i started actually bawling (i know i know, hilarious). i was so upset, i cant believe they actually hired this girl... in between breath intakes i said "you did a horrible job...did you go to school for this?" and i wasnt trying to be mean, i was actually questioning it...she said yes. they didnt charge, but man, the reason you go to these places is so that they dont look fuct up...its so funny that im so sensitive that i would actually cry at something like that. like, i was laughing in between crying because its funny, but im pissed too. its her fucking CAREER to not fuck this shit up, and its so ridiculous to look in the mirror, i had to go out and get an eyebrow pencil. jfkdlsajflskdjfdls;af. aha, oh man, who says those things? i do.