Art Masterpost: Begin in Innocence by Reapertownusa

Nov 18, 2012 12:59

The Story

Title: Begin In Innocence
Author: reapertownusa
Rating: R (check warnings)
Summary: Dean confronts a monster from his childhood while Sam struggles to understand what happened and how he can help his brother to release the pain of the past.

The Art

At least two images are NSFW, but nothing here is too graphic (we've all seen a man's naked backside before, right?) and only trigger-y in the context of the tale itself.

Created for the spn_hardcore_bb. I absolutely loved reapertownusa's story. Moody, touching, dark - it's all of that and more. So, for her tale, I created a few images that I hope picked up on the tone. Enjoy - and go read the story! :)



type: fan art, ~big bang, fandom: supernatural, ~art post

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