Weekly Reading List - 2 SPN Gen Fics

Nov 16, 2012 20:46

It's a mystery, really. I sit down to do some writing and somehow end up reading a fanfic. Usually, it's not even a conveniently short fanfic. I'm glad to see that also happens to Dean on occasion...

This week, I was sucked into several long tales, and these were two of my favorites. Both were Supernatural, and both tugged on my heartstrings.

***Title: The Rest is Still Unwritten
Author: winchesterhaunt
Word Count: 110,000
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel, brief John, OCs
Spoilers: Largely based around 5.04, so spoilers for season 5.
Warnings: Language, blood
Disclaimer: All SPN characters and plotlines are borrowed with a promise to return after I’m done playing.
Summary: Written for spn_gen_bigbang. The Winchesters’ fates have been written out for them since before they were born, but when Sam’s first hunt isn’t what it should be, the timeline between what is written and what has yet to be is shattered. Sam is dropped into an uncertain future where the world is much different than the one he left behind. A hunt for his brother leads him to some unexpected revelations. What is the secret Dean is hiding from him, and do all roads really lead to the same destination? What’s unwritten can be changed, but once it’s written it stays the same.

My Thoughts: So fantastic! Even though I love Sam, for some reason I tend to gravitate toward Dean-focused stories, but this one just drew me in completely. If you think the Croat-verse was cool or you like reading stories about teen!Sam, check this one out. It's full of hurt/comfort, adventure, horror, great side-characters... Bonus awesome? There's a Gabriel cameo ;)

Fic title: Ouroboros
Author name:gedry
Genre: Gen
Word count: 32,895
Warnings: Individual and group therapy provided to the Winchesters by a person without a professional license. Like the Doctor at the back of the market. Written prior to most of Season 6 airing.
Summary:After Sam gets his soul back his relationship with Dean is rockier than ever. Secrets have piled up and tension is running high between the brothers. Their inability to get along causes problems for Bobby so he orders them to get help or get gone. Working through their problems is more complicated than they thought, and their therapist isn’t who she seems.

My Thoughts: I couldn't believe I hadn't stumbled upon this fic before. It was excellent...and I'll admit, I cried a little. Was it called for? I'm not sure, but emotional reflection tends to do that to me. I also laughed, because it was hella funny in parts. If you're looking for an alternate take on what 'could' have happened in season six if they guys had received a bit of mystical therapy, check this out. It focuses mainly on Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Bobby, but other characters appear throughout.

~story recs, ~news, fandom: supernatural

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