Teen Wolf Fic: Down We Go (Stiles, h/c assault, trigger warnings)

Jan 06, 2018 12:20

Title: Down We Go
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: Assault of a minor by an adult, sexual in nature. Not as graphic as it could have been, but definitely triggery for some readers, so please heed this warning. Also, bigot hunters.
Wordcount: ~6500
Summary: Episode 2x12, "Master Plan." Beat him bloody, then send him home as a message. That had been Gerard's plan, but when his men get tired of hearing Stiles mouth-off, one of them decides to teach the teenager a lesson.

Of all the people he would have expected to help him afterward, Stiles never would have guessed it would be Peter. Mostly because the guy was dead last he checked.
Prompt: hc-bingo "assault"
Link: AO3

~bingo, fandom: teen wolf, ~prompt

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