Icon Batch -

Jan 04, 2018 14:26

I haven't dumped my random icons in a while, so here are a few pretties (and not so pretties) to keep you entertained.

The Reid (Criminal Minds) batch was created for the hc-bingo prompt "near death experience". Reid has certainly had a number of near death experiences (Tobias Hankel, anthrax poisoning, getting shot multiple times, a serial killer telling him to kill himself), times when he was sure he was going to die, and it seems those moments have really had an impact on him. I love that Criminal Minds often shows a touch of the "comfort" side of the h/c equation.

Criminal Minds x16
BtVS or Ats x10
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them x6
Scream tv x8
Castle x6
Teen Wolf tv x4
Firefly, Marvel, Helena Bonham Carter  x2
Big Bang Theory x3
Riverdale, The Mentalist, SPN x1

Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) for Hc-bingo


(10 Buffy & Angel icons x10)

(Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them x5)

(Fantastic Beasts x1, Teen Wolf x4)

(Scream TV x5)

(Scream TV x3, Criminal Minds x2)

(Castle x5)

(Castle x1, Firefly x2, MCU x2)

(Big Bang Theory x3, Helena Bonham Carter x2)

(Riverdale x1, Supernatural x1, The Mentalist x1)

fandom: firefly/serenity, fandom: criminal minds, type: icons, ~prompt, fandom: supernatural, ~bingo, fandom: angel, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: teen wolf, fandom: castle, fandom: real person, fandom: mentalist

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