Art Masterpost: Duckpocalypse Now! by PatriciaTepes (Darkwing Duck/Supernatural crossover)

Jul 06, 2017 01:34

For the wipbigbang, my bestie, patriciatepes, wrote the most wonderfully live-in-techno-color crossover fic called Duckpocalypse Now. The story is Darkwing Duck/Supernatural (with a smidgen of Buffy the Vampire Slayer tossed in via Willow), and while you don't have to read any stories set in the universe, she has a Darkwing/BtVS story called The Building Blocks of Good and Evil set in the same universe.

Read Duckpocalypse Now at AO3,, or here on LJ
Story Summary: While on an ordinary hunt, Sam and Dean find themselves pulled into an unusual circumstance. They arrive in St. Canard and meet Darkwing and co. just in time for the main event: another attempt at an apocalypse.

Let's just go with the big main piece first, and then you can see the other bits and pieces under the cut, if you guys would like ;)

As you can probably tell, this is a mix of my line art (for the ducks, obvs), digital painting, and photomaniping (for the boys, obvs).

On to Duckstiel by himself. Duckstiel...I didn't realize I needed him in my life. He completes me. Thanks, Trish. lol

Some of you kiddos enjoy seeing the rough work... Err very rough...

I like my ducks how I like my muppets...floating IN SPACE! (Or on Treasure Island, but...I'm losing my train of thought here.) PNGs below.

Did my author need an icon? No. She actually has an awesome Dean & DW icon already. Did I make one anyway?  Yes. Why? Duckstiel.

~masterpost, type: fan art, ~big bang, fandom: supernatural, type: crossover, ~art post

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