Icons: Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel the series

Jun 23, 2017 15:56

Btvsats20in20 had a Favorites Round. I have no clue why I signed up, since I'm extremely indecisive. I have zero ability to pick a favorite, and I tend to love everything. That's just me. So, this was a bit of a challenge, and these might not fully represent my opinions, but I hope you enjoy them. Explanations at the bottom.

15 Themes

1: Season (Ats S5)
2: Episode (The Gift)
3: Female
4: Male
5: Friendship

6: Romance
7: Villain
8: Non-Human
9: One-off (Dracula)
10: Wanted More

11: I <3, U Hate
12: Epi I <3, U Hate
13: Epic
14: Saddest Death
15: Show?

5 Category |FAVE STORYLINE (Spike & Angel)


Some of these are self-explanatory, but others...Well, I should probably start by telling you the themes. Feel free to skip this, as this is all opinion based, and it's more fun just to look at the pictures. :P

1.) Favorite Season - Angel, season 5, was extremely transforming and took the show in another direction. It could have gone very wrong, but instead it felt fresh, and taught us quite a bit about our characters. I really enjoyed the laughs, the tears, and the morality struggle.
2.) Favorite Episode - Buffy, "The Gift". Okay, honestly, there are episodes I'd put above this one depending on my mood, but the pain, the epic battle, the sacrifice for family...I did enjoy this one. As a fanfic writer, it also opened up some doors to dimensional crossovers, am I right? ;)
3.) Favorite Female Character Willow. I'd normally answer with Buffy, because I enjoy writing for her, but I felt I should pick outside the leader of this canon universe. Plus, Will is just awesome. I love her relationships with all the other characters. My main problem with writing for her post-series is she's so damn powerful. A cool problem to have.
4.) Favorite Male Character Spike. As a teen, I might have waxed poetically about Spike, so he gets dibs on this one.
5.) Favorite Friendship Spike & Dawn. I love the trio, all the Scoobs, but for some reason, I always enjoyed this duo of outsiders looking in. My second choice was probably Cordy and Doyle.
6.) Favorite Romance Spuffy. I picked Spuffy, and I'm not sure if that's accurate, to be honestly because I enjoyed most of the major romances as they took place. The sex was hot in this one, for sure, but I suppose what I liked about it is that it's so obviously not meant to be. Buffy & Angel have the epic-chills vibe going on, but Spuffy was all about revealing things about the characters. Second place? I yearned for Fred/Wes...but dang, I'm still not over how that went down.
7.) Favorite Villain Angelus. This was an easier choice, even if I'm tempted to include all the Fanged Four. He's naughty, literally ruins lives and not in a cute Tumblr-speak way, and I'm almost ashamed I find him attractive. ;)
8.) Favorite Non-Human Lorne. I adored Lorne from the start. He's extremely human to be so non-human, right?
9.) Favorite one-off character Dracula. Well, if you knew what a Dracula fangirl I was as a teen, you'd understand this choice. I'm calling him a one-off character, even though he's in the comics.
10.) Character Who Didn’t Get Enough Screen Time Illyria. I would have loved to have seen how another season would have treated her Godly-ness. Her existence is just...neat.
11.) Character You Like That Everyone Else Hates Dawn. I rolled my eyes at her character with the majority of other viewers, but after the series, I recognized her potential as a character. So in a weird way, I guess I like fandom!Dawn more than the Dawn we saw during most of her time on the series.
12.) Episode You Like That Everyone Else Hates Angel's "The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco." It's weird and quirky, so I can see why people might not care for it. But, the things that were criticized the most were the very elements of the episode I liked.
13.) Most Epic Moment Buffy, "Becoming 2". Probably not the most epic moment ever, but Buffy really had to step up to the plate here. Plus grabbing the sword was all types of cool. I mean, it's a sword, so...Damn it, I could have iconed the rocket launcher...
14.) Saddest death So many deaths, so much pain. Joyce's stood out to me most because it was close to real life. It was the every-day tragedy. Unfair? Yes. Realistic? Yes. Every moment of it hurt. The quote comes from part of Anya's speech from the epi.
15.) Buffy or Angel? Buffy stayed with me. Stays with me. I love Angel the series too, but for some reason the characters in Buffy have struck more emotional cords.

CATEGORY: Favorite Storyline Gah, this was hard. I struggled: long seasonal story-line or short episode story-line? Buffy or Angel? And how do I fit it into 5 icons??? So, I decided to do a vague story-line that I found extremely compelling, the evolution of Spike and Angel's relationship. Building off of one another, loving the same women, tearing each other down...They're two sides of the same coin, and one of them has to be on bottom BAZINGA! Heehee, couldn't resist leaning it toward Spangel, since, let's face it, it's kind of there already.

fandom: angel, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, type: icons, ~art post

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