After a couple of bad project related decisions (having to back out of tasks I'd originally accepted, tools not matching my expectations, pissy project managers), I finally had what I consider to be my first extremely productive day as a freelance translator!
I'm currently working on a 20 000+ word project for a client, it's my first big volume job ever - the rate offered was a little lower than I'd usually accept, but the deadline was extremely generous (meaning I wouldn't have to work day and night to get it delivered in time), and the subject matter is something I'm familiar with and quite enjoy working with ... so I agreed. I started it last week, but struggled with my motivation, getting mixed up in the aforementioned projects that I awkwardly needed to back out of. But today! I translated 5000+ words. I think that definitely breaks all my productivity records from my old job. For comparison, the standard productivity for translators is about 300 words an hour. I knew I work faster than that, but 5000+ words in 7 hours (with a lunch break and break to do laundry) is.... very nice. Yay, me!
I was really struggling with motivation last week, but I'm feeling a lot better about everything now. Funny how that works. I worry about paperwork and tracing and chasing due payments, but ... I'll take it one step at a time.
Today I'll fire up the PS3 and feel like I really deserve a break. I stupidly started playing Skyrim over the weekend. We've had the game for years, but I've never played it. I felt like doing some fantasy style exploring and figured it would scratch my itch.
I'm a level 7 Redguard, and getting far too caught up in the side quests T____T someone send help.
WHERE DO I FIND APPRAISERS? HOW DOES MAGIC AND ALCHEMY WORK? LAWL. Glad I chose a race that focuses on actual fighting. Barbarian for life.
I randomly ran away from a dragon that came out of nowhere, killing a NPC that was following me in the process.... hopefully it won't have an adverse affect on my ongoing quests ;____;
The music in this game is absolutely fantastic. Great soundtrack, I love exploring the world!