Desucon 7 was a fun experience, I think I'll volunteer again next year, but maybe I'll get more involved and be part of the info crew? I don't know. I love working the queue, which is the main responsibility of the logistics crew, but I'd love to be able to do more.
501st Nordic Garrison had sent 40 or so of their people to the con this year. We had stormtroopers helping us out with crowd control for the queue. It was madness. I was being followed by stormtroopers everywhere, and they helped me get my info across to the crowd. They also came reporting to me if anything happened that needed to be taken care of. Bizarro world, I was living it. So cool, though :|
The level of cosplay in Norway has come a long way since the first Desucon. I wasn't around for the cosplay contest, which was held today, but I had a blast just looking at people's costumes yesterday (which I'm pretty sure weren't the cosplayers' main costumes for the con). Seeing how creative these kids can get just makes me happy. There were some amazing Disney cosplayers - I wish I'd gotten pictures of them. One did a Brave cosplay so amazingly fantastic, I thought she looked better than the official cast members I've seen pictures of. There was also an incredibly sweet Ariel - handmade dress, and everything.
The art stands were very good this year too. Lots of handmade jewellery and things as opposed to just drawings and fanart, good development on that front as well.
I might not consider myself a part of this whole world anymore. I would never buy a ticket and go attend one of these things, but I love that we have this place for people to get together. A place where these kids can feel safe, babble about their hobbies and interests, show of their crafts, learn new things, and make new friends. I'm a huge supporter of that, and love helping out for these reasons.
The con had over 2000 visitors this year. It is now officially the largest convention of its kind in all of the Nordic countries. An amazing development indeed.
My queue responsibilities were all done at around 1~2pm, and I spent the rest of the day (until 9pm or thereabouts) selling official Desucon t-shirts and buttons. A pretty stress free job compared to a lot of the other crews, but my feet and voice are suffering today. Of course I took breaks to take in the con atmosphere and people watch, I also got to meet the visual kei band (Anli Pollicino) that's performing at the con today. They seemed like a nice bunch of guys xD;
I had planned to take cheki pictures of particularly interesting cosplayers, but never got around to it. I did manage to snap these with my iPhone, though:
A really great Silent Hill cosplay!
Someone had decided to cosplay as
Slender Man ...... that's pretty frickin awesome, but also kind of terrifying.
It was a fun (but tiring) day. I was invited to come socialise afterwards, but I just didn't have the energy. Opted for food instead. Maybe next year!