So it's official. I frickin' love Google+. Even though it is kind of buggy in some parts still (some stream issues, and the number of people in your circles is never displayed correctly, though it seems everyone you've added are seeing your updates, so... yes).
The phone app (Android only, so far) works great, and with the Circles (that are fully customizable in every way possible), I actually feel comfortable doing "check-ins" and posting pics on the go and such. Things I would never ever do on Facebook, even though most of my friends on there do.
I have invites, so give me your gmail if you are interested in giving this a go.
Had a bit of an adventurous day yesterday 8D We were invited to a birthday party on the other side of town, and the weather was nice, so we decided to walk there~ We took our time, had ice lollies on the way and even found time to stop by Vigelandsparken.
I didn't take any pictures at the party, nor did I get any cake! But it was mostly because STUFF KEPT HAPPENING. First a kid went facesplat on the outdoor patio (we were barbecuing, yaaay. My first barbecue this year, actually xD), and the kid somehow managed to injure both the inside and the outside of her chin. There was blood everywhere and it looked very dramatic and painful. D:
Then suddenly out of nowhere, the birthday boy is in distress because he can't find his little kitten. Which was only 8 weeks old or.. something? I am fuzzy on details because this launched a massive search party and everyone ran around searching for the kitten for what felt like ages. It must have been close to an hour... until the kitten was found safe and sound. Curled up in a slipper. Or something. Again fuzzy on details. I was actually inside when this happened and got to see the birthday boy reunited with his little baby. Nawwww. I should have taken a picture. Not quire sure why I didn't.
Thennn it was time to party hard XD; .... and also soon time for me and Christian to leave, because even though it was nice walking to the party, we were not planning on walking all the way back. Public transport, yay. But we did have time to go inside and join people for sociably fun lemon shots before leaving. Again no pictures.
It was time for us to leave, but the fun didn't end there. Oslo is currently doing massive construction work on pretty much all of their public transport options. So the subway didn't even take us half the way we needed to go. Which wouldn't have been much of a problem if it hadn't been for the fact that the sky opened up and launched a downpour of epic proportions. Dear god. Found a bus that would take us to another subway station that offered service to the station we needed to get to to get home @_@; Public transport in Norway *slow applause*.
Anyway, apart from all the random dramatics, I had a very nice time~ I got to catch up with a lot of people I haven't seen in quite a while. Got updated on what went down during the second day of Desucon, and yeah. It was all good :] Hope it won't be another trillion years until I get to see all these people again XD