Just when we were given the illusion that spring was on its way... BOOM BLIZZARD. Sort of. Okay, so not a blizzard, but it has been snowing. A lot. Ffffff.
My new Japanese friend on twitter is adorable. We keep sending direct messages to each other 8D I get three messages back for every one I send. At first I was all "omg, my Japanese is not up to this" but apparently it is? We are able to understand each other just fine at any rate. It makes me happy~~~ XDDD; I still lol over the fact that she (actually I'm not sure it's a girl, but I somehow just assume that everyone on the internet is a girl. Yes I know this doesn't make much sense, but that's how it goes 8D) thought I was a japanese person living and teaching in Norway. She later sent a message explaining that she was twittering from her phone and didn't really notice my twitter profile picture until she saw it on a computer XD Laughs were shared ♥
I finished Silent Hill: Homecoming ♥ Wasn't too difficult, reaaaallly. Though I did play through all the boss fights with the help of a guide. Do not want to fight a clunky combat system as well as a creepy as hell boss. Wow, the boss designs in this game.. *O* I'll have nightmares. I missed out on the rifle, so I didn't get that achievement. Also failed to collect all the photos and drawings, so no achievements for those either... still happy about having finished it :D Might go back to try and get some of the other endings eventually, we'll see. The combat system really annoyed me, though :/ Ugh. Still absolutely worth it if you are a fan of the series~ At least in my opinion!