My day of training at the new job is finished! I worked from 09:30 to 15:00. It was quite nice and time just flew by :D Saape is a very nice store. Very visually pleasing and there is always stuff to do. My day mostly consisted of cutting up huge chunks of handmade soap into.. regular sized chunks of soap, then wrapping them tight, tight, tight in cling-film. Took me ages to do each soap, but I got better and better and one of the other girls who worked there said that I wrapped better than she did. A huge compliment considering that she's worked at Saape for three years! 8D
I also punched in numbers and handed back money to customers and stuff, but the store is getting a new cash register and system of dealing with money and customers tomorrow, so me handling customers today wasn't all that important.
All in all I enjoyed myself a lot. I felt I was a bit in the way at times and I felt like the others sort of had to babysit me xD Lawl, but we all got along very well so I'm sure working around them will be less awkward after a while. I'm just.. very shy around new people and I like to observe before I throw myself into new things. They understood, though. And they told me to just take my time and not let anything overwhelm me, they were all there to help anyway.
My hands are sort of sore and they smell like a mixture of rose-petals, citrus and cucumber XD Heee~ Next day of work is on Wednesday. I'm working from 07:00 to 15:00 8D Yay. Nice, though considering that the time from 07:00 to 10:00 is just getting stuff from storage and placing it in the store, tidying up etc, only five hours of dealing with customers and stuff. 8D Yaay
Btw, for the curious, here is a picture of the actual store I work in. Picture is taken from