Title: Nothing lasts Forever
Fandom: Twilight
Couple: Edward/Jacob
Prompt: #15 : Warmth
Word Count: 165
He was always warm. I can never forget the warmth he gave me, inside and outside.
He was the one who made me feel again after so many decades. He made me almost feel like I was human again.
I knew I had made the right decision when I choose him over her. In the end, it had been a simple but life changing decision.
We were happy. I hadn’t been so happy in my whole existence. But unfortunately it didn’t last forever. They came.
They came and ruined everything. They dared to attack my family, but more important they dared to hurt him. Something I can never forgive them for.
They took his warmth away. Making me realize yet again that I can’t live without him and his warmth.
So now the only thing left to do is to take it back by revenging him. And making sure that I can die without forgetting one of them.
Only then can I return to him.
The End