Title: Snow Angels
Fandom: Twilight
Couple: Jasper/Seth
Prompt: #10 : Snow
Word Count: 206
He loved the snow. Somehow it made him feel completely alive and free. It was a feeling he enjoyed the most when he was still human. But since he turned into a vampire he had never felt it again, until he had met the boy.
He came to enjoy the snow even more with his lover. Who was someone you wouldn’t expect to love the snow. But the boy did and it only made it more fun to be out playing in the snow, making snow angels.
He was still surprised about the fact that his lover had come to find him when the first snowflakes started to fall. Not that he minded that. He couldn’t help the smile that continued to stay on his face when he was watching the boy run around making weird footprints for fun.
At first he was afraid that his shifter would suffer from the cold, but he was wrong. Now every time it snowed he could spend it with his lover. Enjoying the sweet laughter of the shifter. As he walked towards the boy he decided that he didn’t mind being a vampire so much anymore. This was the time he had felt most alive in his whole existence.
The End