FemSlash Challenge "Styles Change" Alice/Bella

Nov 29, 2010 22:53

Title: Styles Change
Couple: Alice/Bella, Jasper/Seth
Prompt: #14: hairspray
Word Count: 288
FemSlash Challenge


Bella coughed and waved her hand in front of her nose. “Really Alice, is all this necessary?” She didn’t mind the hairstyle really… but the amount of hairspray! Alice had already thrown two cans in the trash.

“Yes!” Alice replied as she teased Bella’s hair into an elaborate up doo. “It’s not every day we are asked to be the bridesmaid’s at my ex-husband’s wedding, to a shifter no less!”

Bella sighed as she slumped over the make up table and propped her chin up in her hand. “You act as if Jasper and Seth haven’t been dating for years.”

“Oh hush, and sit up straight!” Alice scolded as she tugged Bella’s shoulders back into a straight position. “I never thought they would get married. I’m so excited for them.”

A smile spread across Bella’s perfect lips. “Does it make you want to get married again my love?” She questioned watching Alice in the mirror.

Alice dropped the comb and can of hairspray she had been holding to clasp her hands in front of her. “Really?! Will you let me plan it? I’ll find you the most beautiful dress you’ve ever seen!”

Bella laughed. “Alice, love, the last dress was the most beautiful I had ever seen.”

“Well yes… it was… but the styles have changed now. That was thirty-five years ago!”

Turning, Bella took one of Alice’s hands and kissed the top of it. “How about you plan it for our 100th anniversary? I’ll even find you something special to wear with your dress.”

Alice leaned down and kissed Bella’s lips sweetly. “Okay,” she murmured once the kiss had broken. “Now turn back around so I can finish your hair. We can’t keep Jasper and Seth waiting.”

challenge 1: femslash, author: avari_maethor, couple: jasperxseth, genre: humor, prompt 14: hairspray, couple: alicexbella

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