Supernatural 6.10

Dec 03, 2010 22:44

Fair warning -- I really did not enjoy this episode and there is little-to-no happy squeeing here.

-Oh show. Starting with a torture scene, even a surreal one, is not the way to win my heart. This was the most torture-heavy episode in my memory. I kept breathing sighs of relief when one torture session ended and then hello -- another? Oh, joy. Watching a man take a knife to a woman's genitals -- I don't know guys. I've loved pretty much every episode of this show so far but right now I am just disgusted. What the hell is wrong with these writers?

-"Remember when we used to gank demons?"
Yes, yes I do. And oh how I miss those days. Pass the wine, please.

-"Daily rape shower" -- oh, I'm not even going to touch it. I'll just let it sit here while I glare at it for awhile. Along with being the most torture-heavy ep in memory, it was also brimming with rape jokes and rape imagery.

-Okay, moving on. MEG! I love Meg. I love Rachel Miner. It was so nice to see her again.

-I wish they'd make up their minds about soul-free Sam. Is he smarter without a soul, or embarrassingly stupid? I know people with profound mental disabilities who are incapable of deciphering humor but still realize when a joke is being told. Sam really should too, and randomly deciding that he's stupid for "humor" is no longer amusing me.

-"You gonna kiss me?" IF YOU'RE SANE. Oh, Dean. Deeeean. I'm sticking this out for you, baby.

-That was a nice scene between Cas and Sam -- but did he really just threaten to kill an angel? I guess it's a huge testament to how much Dean means to Cas that he didn't just smite Sam's stupid ass right on the spot. Shut up, Soulless Sam. I am so incredibly sick of you.

-Dean describing bringing someone back from the dead as a mistake -- ouch. He's right, but still -- ouch. I'm glad Sam isn't around to hear it.

-I'm sure I'm in the tiny minority but I really could have lived without the silliness of Cas watching porn and then getting a boner. It all just felt forced and off: the pacing, the timing, the delivery, eh.

-Poor Sam's soul. :( That's awful. And poor Dean for knowing what's happening to his real, actual brother. And did we call it or what?

-"Complications" -- oh, Dean. But I agree. Any chance they have to take is better than just leaving Sam in the cage for eternal torment and no, having his soulless body lumbering around doesn't make it any better.

-The kiss between Cas and Meg was just strange to me.

-The Dick Cheney purchase, heh. Dated and overdone, but I give credit for the writer's hearts being in the right place when they aren't busy with the rape jokes and torture porn and gay panic hilarity. PASS THE WINE, please -- no, not the glass, the whole bottle.

-"I'm standing in pee." Okay -- hee.

-I have news for you, Gramps: there's no way Mary would want to live at the expense of her child. How could any parent think that? I hope she comes back just long enough to pound his face in. Besides, isn't Mary in HEAVEN? Why the fuck would you pull your child out of HEAVEN? It makes exactly zero sense on any level. And hey Gramps, don't you have a dead wife? Or has she been sucked away into the same anti-existence plane as poor Adam?

-Oh good, it's another woman being tied up and tortured. Okay, time to crack open the whiskey because this wine just isn't cutting it.

-You know, it would require a LOT of blood to draw a devil's trap on the ceiling into cement. Not!Sam should have been on the verge of passing out from that much blood loss and the strain of making a complicated inscription on the ceiling without a stepladder, brush, etc. Also, the "blood" looked rather exactly like spray paint, especially for the trap that snagged Crowley.

-I liked the brother's matching jackets. Cute. Okay, maybe the wine and whiskey is finally doing the job.

-Aww Crowley, dead already? That bites. That also pretty much resets us to the start of the season, right? No leads on retrieving Sam's soul and the purgatory plotline dies with Crowley. Why did they bother with all the setup if it wasn't going anywhere? Frustrating.

-Not sure how I feel about Cas popping in to save the day. I miss the days when the brothers fought their own fights and solved their own problems as a team. I don't mind if Cas is part of the team, but just popping in and solving the problems with the equivlilant of a snap of his finger? *sigh* Not so much.

-Oh, so Not!Sam has suddenly-just-now realized that being re-souled is a bad deal for him? We were never given a single reason why he would ever think it was a good idea, so... whatever. If I were Dean, I would have been seriously tempted to run Not!Sam over with the Impala, tie him up, and shove his body into a closet for safekeeping. That is NOT SAM. That's Sam's body, and the only thing Dean should be doing with it is keeping it ready and waiting for Actual!Sam.

-God, I am so out of patience with that entire plotline. How much longer is this crap going to drag out? The mystery is solved, the uncertainty is gone, and I am just utterly sick of it.

-Next week is a fluff ep, really? "Don't axe me?" This is not improving my mood, not at all.

-Thank god I have ten millions fics to read. I'm willing to bet that I will enjoy 95 percent of them more than I enjoyed this episode.

episode reactions, pass the wine

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