Title: Universal Lurrrve
Group: Arashi
Pairing/Genre: Arashi/Arashi. FLUFFFFFFFF.
Rating: G
Word Count: 156
Notes: Prompt of "universe." Still unbeta'd. :| Looking for a good beta! Not feeling very confident about this as a drabble, so I may edit to add more later. I'm not very good with drabbles - too impatient. NEED MOAR WORDS.
"There," Nino pointed. "That one. Just to the left of the north star."
"Why that one?" Aiba asked.
"Because it's as close to being constant as you can get. It's bright. And beautiful and...I don't know! I was under a lot of pressure when I was picking one out!"
Jun lifted his head off the flannel blanket and looked at his bandmate. "I'm sorry, but are you being sentimental?"
Ohno and Sho snorted their laughter.
Nino scowled. "Yes. I'm allowed to every once in a while!"
Aiba hopped up suddenly. "Ninomiya Kazunari! You have named a star for us! You're the most sentimental brat I've ever met! I LOVE ARASHI," he shouted, head thrown back.
The others burst into laughter at the heat rising in Nino's cheeks. "I love you, too," he whispered, more thankful for this family than he would probably ever admit.