Never What It Seems

Oct 24, 2011 16:16

Title: Never What It Seems

Verse: G1

Characters: Sunstreaker, Ratchet, Sideswipe, mentions of others

Rating: T

Prompt: 5, High Grade

Warnings: Mechs being overcharged, groping, kissing and oh, CRACK!

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!

Notes: Sometimes, you don’t know who is playing who.

character: sideswipe, author: chimeradark, character: ratchet, character: sunstreaker, rating: pg-13, oct 11 challenge: fills, fanfiction

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Comments 10

darksirocco October 24 2011, 23:27:20 UTC
BWAHAHAHA!!! OMP! Inferno has summat for Red to MEASURE!
oooh! love to know what ELSE the twins recharge-talk about! yumz all over!
and i have to know-is this a one-shot? or a beginning??
great job!
-Siro =^.^=


chimeradark October 25 2011, 00:22:23 UTC
Sorry, oneshot. But I will be doing another prompt if motivation hits me hard enough.


darksirocco October 25 2011, 02:58:45 UTC
cool! and, it's awesome, either way!
*secretly sends cookies(and bonbons-ALWAYS bonbons!) to you, and carrots to your bunnies* =^.^=


renegadewriter8 October 24 2011, 23:36:36 UTC
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! LOOOOOL Sneaky Ratchet indeed!! Great job!!


chimeradark October 25 2011, 00:22:45 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!


darkeyes_17 October 25 2011, 06:51:21 UTC
I love a Ratchet that is sneaky and is ever so clever. You had me giggling when I realised Ratchet was POLE-DANCING in public willingly, pretending he was drunk. *Internet fist-bump* Niiiice.

And I'm glad to see you have sorted out your posting issues \O/!


chimeradark October 25 2011, 14:13:35 UTC
Thanks, Ratchet can be tricky when he wants to be! And I love the poledancing part.


sideslip_tf October 25 2011, 11:53:23 UTC
That was delightful! I was laughing when I realized that Ratchet was only pretending to be overcharged. The look on Sunstreaker's face must have been priceless.


chimeradark October 25 2011, 14:14:56 UTC
*Laughs* I can only imagine, either way the Twins got what they wanted.


zjargon October 25 2011, 22:49:34 UTC
XD Sneaky Ratchet, indeed!

I really loved this, very good job! Shame it's only a oneshot though. *sad face* Still, I've got a good imagination. XD


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