Never What It Seems

Oct 24, 2011 16:16

Title: Never What It Seems

Verse: G1

Characters: Sunstreaker, Ratchet, Sideswipe, mentions of others

Rating: T

Prompt: 5, High Grade

Warnings: Mechs being overcharged, groping, kissing and oh, CRACK!

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!

Notes: Sometimes, you don’t know who is playing who.

It might not seem like it but it was an actual fact around the ARK, Ratchet did not drink high grade…at least out in public. There were many suspicious reasons why, maybe he was a mean drunk (nobody wanted to see a meaner Ratchet then what he was), maybe he couldn’t handle it well, or maybe he just didn’t want to be too overcharged incase of an emergency.

Either way, only a few selected bots have ever seen the medic after a few and they weren’t telling.

This just made it into a challenge for the Twins, afterall their own brew was supposed to be the best around and felt that they should get praise from everybot about it. Pit, if Mirage said that it was good and the Noble had some high taste at that, then it was good!

That and they really wanted to see what happens when the CMO got high grade flowing through his systems and…maybe…the chance to score that lovely red aft in their berth.

It should have been easy, change his normal ration for one of their brews and watch the magic happen…unfortunately for them, the ambulance only refuel ever so often and was careful of what he ingested and immediately noticed the difference between the two grades.

Which really, considering how the mech was always going on such low energy levels and working at a nonstop rate, this ability seem to be a secret shared only between him and their SIC.

So, if changing the fuel didn’t work…they would have to try again…but a little more sneaky…

Sunstreaker smirked at the fluid in his servos, the cube had the color, the texture, even the smell of normal grade but with one little catch, it had the potency of high grade, all thanks to Sideswipe and his determination at seeing the effects it would have. They were sure there was no way the little medi-bot would be able to tell the difference and the best part! This little babe had the effect of ten cubes all narrowed down to one, his brother called it ‘One hit KO’, one good swig of this and Ratchet would be feeling like he was at one of Jazz’s and Blaster’s parties.

Maybe he should find a party hat for him…or a lamp shade?

That would be a hilarious image.

All he had to do to was switch it out and watch the show.


“Sideswipe…I love you.”

The crimson twin just nodded at his brother’s declaration with one of the biggest grins on his face, he glanced over at the golden Lambo, “Best idea ever?”

The frontliner, who was wearing an eerily similar grin, gave a short laugh as he watched the performance in front of him, “Fragging yes!”

Apparently, high grade makes the small medic relive his academy days, where he was working to pay for classes…and his job was at a bar…but he wasn’t the bartender or bouncer…he wasn’t a waiter but he sure knew how to deliver to the customers.

“And now we know why Ratch was always so flexible…”

They both watched at the mech spun around a pole that was just so happened to placed as a joke during one of the last parties, he stop with his pedes up in the air and his legs crossed as he posed in mid air with his arms behind his helm and giving off a pout to the crowd right before bringing himself up and spinning once again in a split that twirled him around until he stopped once more in another pose in midair.

Someone was screaming over the sound of music being blasted, a get together soon forming into a party, complete with high grade being passed around, couples dancing and free entertainment.

“What is going on here!”

And leave it to Prowl to ruin the mood…

The brothers pouted as the rest of the officers came in and put an end to the random partying, Red Alert was screeching off something about safety measures while an overcharged Inferno happily told him he had something for him to measure, Prowl was getting on to Jazz for supporting the mess and Optimus…gave them a look that made all of them feel like misbehaved children getting onto by their creator…

Sideswipe nudged his brother in the side and they both snickered as they watched Ironhide try and dislodge the medic from his pole, bright cherry servos hung on tightly to the thing as he refused to let go, that he was having fun as the red mech tried to jerk him off by one of his legs…and then he kicked the poor Weapons Specialists in the face, causing the van to stumble back and off stage, knocking him clear out.

Ratchet straightened himself out, looked over the side and happily announced, “Oh, slag, popo ain’t going to like that,” he the preceded to jump of the stage and run, quickly passing the Twins and grabbing them by the arms to drag them along, “run boys, the coppers are after me!”

They both laughed as they picked up their pace and ran along with the CMO instead of being dragged like luggage, Sideswipe nudged his brother, still laughing at the entire thing, “We should have done this earlier!”


Both mechs took deep intakes as the door slide shut behind them, damn medic could keep going when he was fueled enough, speaking of which, they both glanced at the white form now plopped down on the couch. His pedes were hanging off the arm rest and his arms were just thrown over his helm as he laughed happily.

Sunstreaker took the time to examine the room the were in as his brother went over and crashed next to ambulance, they were in Ratchet’s room…it was humbly decorated…they were in the living quarters of it and he could see two other doors, one was probably the berth room and the other was more then likely the officer’s private wash rack…hmm…

He didn’t know which one sounded better but both rooms appealed to him…mostly because his processor supplied the images from past fantasies…the lovely way of taking the medic on the berth as his servos clung to the sheets underneath him or…taking him in the showers as warm liquid flooded down on them causing steam to rise of their armors…

He could think about things like that all day…

Shaking his helm, knowing he shouldn’t start daydreaming at a time like this, he turned back to his brother…and nearly crashed.

“What the frag, Sides!”

The crimson Lambo just shrugged as he continued to makeout with the little mech in his lap, separating with lighter kisses and a chuckle from the porcelain bot as he glanced up at his twin, “He started it.”

“True,” red servos were softly playing over the warrior’s chassis and he leaned in to get another kiss as he straddled the mech’s waist, clearly wanting more then what he was getting at the moment. He separated and flashed his optics at the golden frontliner, “Are you going to just stand there and watch or would you rather join?”

Ratchet suddenly mewled as his aft was grabbed and brought to a slow grind, he reached out to the frozen twin, “Come here, Sunny, I know you want this.”

Sunstreaker frowned and ignored the groans the medic was now making thanks to his brother, “How do you know what I want?”

A light chuckle and the ambulance turned his helm to give a slow lick to the neck lines and causing a shudder to run through the bot underneath him, he smirked back up at the resisting twin, “You two talk in your recharge and since you’re knocked out half the time in the medbay, guess what I get to hear?”

“Oh, slag…”

“More like, oh frag,” he gasped as a black servo trailed down his back, hitting sensitive sensors on his spinal plates and causing him to shiver, Sideswipe had no problem with the current situation.

The healer did a ’come here’ motion with his servo, “I’ve been waiting for you two to do something, I guess I got tired of waiting, so are you going to come here and help your brother pound me?”

The yellow plated mech’s fans kicked on and he nearly jumped over to them but slowed down his rush to savior the sight of his brother and soon to be lover contently feeling each other up before taking the white helm in one of his servos and enjoying the taste that he only had in dreams.

Succulent…and sweet…he nipped at the bottom lip before pulling back and purring, a laugh came from those wet lip plates as his face was being cradled by one red servo, “And Sunny, the next time you try to switch my energon with high grade, I won’t be so nice.”

Ratchet laughed at the stunned look before sending a sultry look at the Lambo, “Next time, just ask if you want to frag me,” he looked over at Sideswipe, “now then…shall we move this to the berth?”

- :3
And I leave you with that. Sneaky, sneaky Ratchet! I’m sure your imaginations will take off with the rest.
I hope you enjoyed it!

character: sideswipe, author: chimeradark, character: ratchet, character: sunstreaker, rating: pg-13, oct 11 challenge: fills, fanfiction

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