Twin Peaks Watch Along: The Return Part Ten

Jul 27, 2021 09:55

Twin Peaks - The Return: Part Ten
We start things off with Richard Horne being a cunt, as usual. He's not a very sympathetic character.
Nice scene with Harry Dead Stanton playing guitar and singing. Trouble at the trailer park never ends.
This next scene: woman in a pink dress swatting at stuff with a red handkerchief while a guy in a suit sits and writs stuff, no idea what's going on here>_<

Dougie goes to the Dr. Janey likes what she sees.
The men in suits from the previous scene also like what they see in a news report.
Janey is about to get her fuck on-_-
Dougie's arms flapping around while he's getting fucked is gold.

Oh no, Jacoby's back. Bleurgh. I love that Nadine has a drape store. It's a shame her story is her watching Jacoby... And again I don't know where I love or hate Jerry's scenes.

I always enjoy Lucy's scenes though. Again more excellent knitwear, and a killer plate of donuts. Oh, is this shithead cop intercepting Richard's letter in plain view of the postie AND Lucy?

Oh shit, was that Johnny Horne all tied up! Sylvia looks great too, is this the first time we've seen her this season? Again, Richard is such a shithead! That talking stuffed toy would do my head in. Seriously, I'd smash that thing.

Back in Vegas, Ike's arrest seems to be of interest and a plan is hatched to get rid of suit dudes and Dougie in one fell swoop. This dude trying to stitch up Dougie to the Mitchums>_<

Next we get a scene of Gordon seeing a cheesy Laura flashback as he lets Albert into his room.

Fun scene at the Great Northern, Ben and Sylvia arguing over Richard's shenanigans. It appears they are at least separated now?

Margaret contacting Hawk with a message. She definitely looks like she was at death's door during filming.
Next we jump over to the Roadhouse for this week's musical guest Rebekah Del Rio doing a very nice performance complete with chevron dress as we roll to the credits.

Overall, not a bad episode. I don't know if I enjoyed this as much as some of the previous ones. There were some nice touches though including Stanton's musical number, Richard's heel wok was pretty good. Ben Horne, always a pleasure. Lucy, always a pleasure.

Tomorrow we jump into Part Eleven.
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