Title: In this little town
Genre: Angst, humor, romance
Pairing: JongKey, KeySica
Author: twinklespink
Summary: Jonghyun has been waiting since that promise long ago, only to find out that the child he promised to marry was already taken.
A/N: Many people requested a sequel to my sequel ‘My boyfriend is a first grader’ and here it is.
Chapter One: Jessica
http://twinklespink.livejournal.com/9179.html#cutid1 Chapter Two: Maybe
http://twinklespink.livejournal.com/9582.html#cutid1 Chapter Three: Playground
http://twinklespink.livejournal.com/9995.html Chapter Four: The way we were
http://twinklespink.livejournal.com/10494.html#cutid1 Chapter Five: Intoxicated
http://twinklespink.livejournal.com/10649.html#cutid1 Chapter Six: Why
http://twinklespink.livejournal.com/10855.html Chapter Seven: So this is how it goes
http://twinklespink.livejournal.com/11176.html Enjoy reading!!