Hello again, its about time I write another one of these. I am actually in the car typing this while Adam drives.
Every once in a while I have to look up because I get car sick. This should pass some time though. Well Palm Springs is now over. We had a really good time there but toward the end we were getting a bit homesick and were ready to come home. Heres some pictures from the drive home:
A funny womens room sign
The sign says impassible during high water...the other picture is the bridge we had to cross...it was scary.
Prisioner transport van, if you watch Prision break thats what we were thinking of haha
the St. Louis Arch
a monster cross
driving driving driving...
it was a long drive...
I worked three nights in a row and Adam packed, cause hes awesome. When I came home the morning we left all I had to do was shower and everything was packed in the car when I was out. We left at 9am and drove for 31 hours straight. It was rough...never again will we do that. I will just tell you now, the wedding is still on, but no matter how much you love someone, 31 hours no sleep in a car jampacked with crap...you are going to fight. It was funny though and we laugh now.
We drove to Adams grandparents house in Indiana. It was great. We got there and grandma had dinner for us and we got to shower. It felt so good! We sat around and talked to them for a while. It was so nice. It was great seeing them, I wish we could have stayed longer. These are the roosters they have that wake you up in the morning haha
After that we drove 6 hours home and said hello to Adams family and that night we went out with Dave and Bryan.
Some things changed at home...like now theres gonna be a Chick-a-fila, no one told me about that, Great Frieght closed :( so sad, Cleats is open we didnt go there though, my parents got a new dog Willie, hes cute. I think thats all the changes. Oh and yesterday Kelly had her baby. I wish we couldve seen her. I think you did great Kel. Cant wait to see her when we get home.
We made it home on April 4 and Zachary turned 3 the next day. Hes so cute! I love him. I cant believe hes 3 already. I cant wait until the wedding, hes gonna be such a cute ring bearer. Speaking of the wedding, I had the shower while we were home. All my bridesmaids did such a good job. I dont have pictures from it or I would post them, Sarah took them and I havent got to see them yet :( Jeannie planned everything and was very organized.--well other than not having a knife to cut the cake...we just cut it with a plastic knife the "eastlake" thing to do hahaha. It was awesome though. Everyone got us such nice stuff and gift cards galore! THANK YOU!!! It is all in storage at mom and dads(THANK YOU!!). I also tried on my dress for the wedding!! It looks sooooo nice!! I am so excited! Tina did my hair too. She said we will do it one more time for the wedding but I am not allowed to cut it! She did it just like the style I wanted. It was awesome.
We got to see Becky when we were home too. Sounds like shes having a good time in Chicago, im happy for her. She didnt get to come to the shower though because she was in LA. We went to Longos with her Dave and Bry. It was good. We all reimessed and quizzed Dave about what he does at his job haha. I also got to see Josh and Noah, my little NICU babies from Rainbow. THey are so big now and SO cute! I dont know how their parents do it.
They are awesome! I hope to see them again next time I am home. They are having hernia surgery Monday, so pray for them :) We got to see Adam's brother, Jim, pitch for Mercyhurst. He did a great job! I hope he gets to play professional, that would be awesome for him.
He might come visit us in Colorado, should be fun.
Meme made us chili for dinner one night when we were home. I love her chili. It was nice going over her house too, she had some of the rooms painted and re did the bathroom. Looks good. She also got two new foster kids. They are 2 and 1 years old, cute kids. Meme said that they should still be there when we get home.
We went to the Indians game saturday, probably one of the worst nights to go. It was so cold!! And they lost. Not a good combination.
But we had fun and got free winter hats. Adam and I went out to dinner Sunday to our favorite place, the Melting Pot, its sooo good! We didnt eat all day before going. Dawn and I got to hangout on Monday, Lora came too for lunch. I am going to miss her. I dont want her to move, but she didnt want me to travel and I did so I cant stop her haha. We went to Scholtskys Deli for lunch, it was good stuff! Then we went to the mall in search for clear shoes, I was surprised she found them. I am glad I am not making my bridesmaids get a certain shoe, I think they should get whatever they want.
We met with our flower guy on Tuesday and finalized all the flowers for the wedding. It costed $650 all together, I thought that was really good! We met Vicky, Jeremy and Andrew that night and Adam picked out the tuxes. I think the guys will look really nice. We then went to dinner and got icecream and went back to their house and relaxed and talked. I miss seeing them all the time!
Wednesday we went to the Cavs game. It was Fan appreciation night and Adam won a digital camera and was on the jumbo tron! Go Adam! It was a really fun game, sucks it was the last one for us though :( Adam really wants to go to the playoffs. I wish we were home, I would find a way to get him there. Last night we made dinner for the Ludwig family. I made Eggplant Parmesan, it came out pretty good. Everyone said they liked it. We then went to my parents and said bye and then went to Jeannies. Everyone was there to say bye again to us. It wasnt as hard this time though. I think cause I know we will be back before we know it.
I start work monday and we move in tomorrow morning. Here we come Denver, Colorado for 13 more weeks! WIsh me luck!!