GUESS WHAT. I narrowly escaped death this weekend. This, of course, is an exaggeration. So, you all may or may not remember that I moved to a new apartment in April! Well, I am going to talk about the old apartment for a moment. The room I was in had a drop ceiling, who knows why. It sagged a bit in the middle and this occasionally featured in my moments of paranoia, when I would become convinced it was going to fall on me in the middle of the night and I WOULD DIE aaaugh. Obviously that never happened. It was just a little bit of faulty installation or something, never got any worse or anything.
So, you've probably figured out where this is going. Guess what fell down over the weekend!
YAAAAAY! Fortunately, the current resident of the room was out getting drunk or something, so no one was hurt or anything, but, uh. (In the ceiling's defense, the guy had apparently been moving tiles a bit, but, uh, that shouldn't have caused the whole thing to peel off like it did...)
Anyway, I went to see the dentist today! My teeth are still full of cavities, no surprise. My gums are still way too thin up front, also no surprise (THANKS, ORTHODONTICS). Basically, my brushing and flossing skills are still awesome, but my teeth still suck. aaaaaugh. /things you care about
I have decided to rename NaNo to NaNot, if anyone was wondering how that was going. I mean, I'm working on it still, but fuck the wordcount goal. I never actually shoot for it anymore, anyway. I'm writing, so whatever. I win.
The world has come up with yet another reason why I need a PS3. (Aside from that I already own three games for the system and plan on picking up a few more, despite having absolutely nothing to play them on.) In the vein of the FFX HD remake,
they are rereleasing the Jak and Daxter trilogy! So, there's one more thing I need that I really shouldn't waste the money on (especially considering I HAVE NO SYSTEM...).
Today is my day off. I am trying to spend it bracing myself for working tomorrow, but one can never truly be prepared for Day Before Thanksgiving sales... why why why why. I am also working Thanksgiving and the day after (I do not care about the day after, though). Working Thanksgiving really annoys me, though. I mean, of aaaall the holidays we have here in the USA, that is the one I feel we should all have off. I mean, yeah, I know, who (of those of us who celebrate it) wants to be at work Christmas morning, but, I mean. Religion. (I am also annoyed that Labor Day has turned into yet another white-collar holiday.) Most holidays are related to Christianity or patriotism, and that one is not, and everyone should have it off. (Maybe then people would stop looking at me so weird when I tell people we eat dinner no earlier than 5 pm!) SO THERE. Semi-related,
this is my new favourite website.
And remember to
go over here if you'd like a card from me next month!