It is beautiful outside right now. We just had a sudden downpour, and now the sun's broken back out way over on the horizon. Everything's colored a deep reddish-orange, and over to the east, there's a brilliant double rainbow (the brighter of the two has prismed twice. It's incredible). I guess that's one good thing about there being no snow yet - this effect would be completely lost. (I do wish the grass weren't green, though. This is New England.)
I just finished wrapping and mailing everything that needs to be sent out, so now all that's left is finding one more present for a friend here at home.
After two years of not leaving any reviews over at, I finally started leaving them again (like, a week ago) after asking someone for a link to their work (I feel obligated to leave a review if I ask for the link). I know some people really like to hear if they've made mistakes or whatever, so I try to point those out if I see them (and when people don't like this, they send mean replies, which makes me sad). The last couple reviews I'v left with comments have all either been ignored (which doesn't bother me, people don't need to reply to reviews) or the author's contacted me and thanked me for pointing the things out. Man, if people had been acting like this back in '04, I wonder if I'd have ever stopped reviewing... *hopes most recent review goes over well, too* :D
...Though I can't help but wonder if my pointing things out is a carry-over from back when I was beta-reading for a few people. I miss doing that.
Recital went really well! I kind of carried the bass section, but I don't mind too much. We had a power outage a little while ago! o_O It was dark, but only on my street. The next block over had power. We think it might've been planned, because there were no flickers or anything, just a sudden *fwoom!* and then nothing. (Heh, then the phone rang, and the person on the other end was confused when I mentioned we had no power, because how had I answered the phone? Then I reminded her we have a rotary phone, which taps the phone lines, not the power lines. And then Mom made toast over the stove, since it's a gas oven. Hee.)
NYC tomorrow! @__@
Child of Edit:
omigosh yay~ VINDICO is sitting happily (in its entirety!) on my hard-drive (thank you so much,
rionaleonhart!) and the author whose fic I reviewed earlier is one of the nice people and I didn't get yelled at. I am encouraged to further review! Huzzah! :)
Also: AFK 'til Tuesday evening.