Some days it occurs to me that I 'ship the strangest pairings. ...Well, not the strangest.
What's that, you say? They have completely different personalities that are, in no way, compatible, and would probably drive each other insane within the first five minutes of even knowing each other? Sign me up!
I mean, I've always like Squall/Rinoa, and I was easily converted to Seifer/Zell (it is too bad I am now incapable of locating the fics that did it). Come on. Give me potential conflict and a good story and bam, I'm sold.
...Despite this, I still just cannot see Vincent/Yuffie. I just ... don't get it. Neither of them seem at all like they have any inclination to be in any sort of relationship (also, Vincent is still angsty about that whole Lucrecia thing). (That said about Vincent, I still wildly adore
thelittletree's Vincent/Tifa stuff, because they're both still them and it doesn't always work, because they are who they are.)
The problem with liking these completely non-sensemaking pairings is that no one writes them. Which is a lie. The truth is that no one writes them in character. ARG. If I want to read about character A and character B, I want them to still be themselves.
Sort of a change of subject here. Still pairing related, because it is hard to find non-pairing fic these days. ANYWAY.
One of my biggest annoyances these days (in the reading of fanfiction, anyway) is that Prowl is never, ever in character. Exceedingly not-so in stories where he's paired up. (He is not - not - going to stop doing his job just because the certain someone might be in trouble. No.)
'Course, their personalities don't have to be completely different, but so often I find myself liking pairings that have no canonical backing, and/or make no sense because of the personalities of the characters.
Possibly one of the reasons I like pairings like that is, simply because the characters are different (one usually being the sort you wouldn't think would be in a relationship), the actual relationship is not everything to them. They still have their jobs to do, and all that. Even when the entire story is dedicated to said relationship, you can tell that there are other things, even if only because of who the characters are. (So, uh, what I guess I'm basically saying, here, is that Real Life in fanfiction is NOT the same as being fifteen-and-in-love. Yes, really.)
I also generally don't find myself insisting the characters must be together. Strong friendship is easily just as good. It's just that strong friendship-fic is so much harder to find. ...And really, it does depend on the pairing. Some I sincerely do like better together, just because I feel it adds something to the overall relationship in those cases.
Also none of this is to say I don't like pairings where both characters get along. I have nothing against those, it's just that, for fan-created pairings, I'm much less likely to end up 'shipping those ones.
...Mostly, this is my roundabout way of avoiding asking BUT WHY IS THERE NO FIC ARG. It has failed, judging by that previous sentence.
Give me my angsty relationships in character, damnit. Or just give me fic. In character. Beggar being chooser, here.
Guitar recital tonight. *eep* Also, going to New York City for the weekend. 'Cause it's fun, or something like that. As with the Plattsburg trip, this started with my father saying he wanted to go to NYC, but since talking me into it, has evolved into "I want to take you to NYC because you totally want to go! :D" *facepalm*