(no subject)

Jul 03, 2010 14:28

Who: Sam Winchester, OPEN
When: Day 29
Where: Town Square
What: Sam's arrival

Showing up in a strange and unfamiliar place wasn't necessarily a strange and unfamiliar occurrence in the day to day life of the Winchesters, but the events of the past... oh... half an hour were pushing the bizarre-o-meter past insane and into honest improbability. It felt like his entire life has flipped inside out in an instant. One minute he's standing in the chapel of St. Mary's, about to die after unleashing the Apocalypse, and the next?

Well it's an old story to any of the residents in Peaksville. And just like them, Sam was now standing bewildered and lost in the square after being ushered out of Mr. West's study. His tape was safely tucked in his jacket, the new journal in one hand. Sure, he'd been given the same explanation as anyone else, but he hardly understood a word of it and his talk with the guy was anything but a conversation.

"What the hell just happened?" He asked out loud to no one in particular, turning and shading his eyes from the sunlight.

Was it true what he had said? Was he some fictional character? The figment of some old man's imagination? His entire life, everything he'd been through, contained on an old cassette tape? It just wasn't possible. Sure there was the thing with Chuck and the fanbase his work had generated, but this wasn't the same. No. This had to be another trick. A demon maybe, or an angel? More likely the latter considering where he'd just come from. Then again, maybe he was dead and this was just some kind of screwed up afterlife. After everything, this was it. The thought sat a pit in his stomach, but Sam tried his best to shake it away and regroup.

First things first, he needed to find Dean and get out of here.

Once he figured out where here was...exactly.
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