Damn, balls, damn.

Dec 27, 2010 17:33

Who: Deb and open. Multiple threads encouraged.
What: Miami girl hates the snow
When: Morning.
Where: The porch of the boarding house.

Like most children in Florida, Debra Morgan was sure of one damn thing: snow was easy. She was surprised to find that it wasn't. )

gabriel, derek morgan, [day 47], [log]:, michael westen, erik, debra morgan

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feel_theburn December 28 2010, 03:24:20 UTC
Michael came up behind her warily and watched her kick the snow around. He was cold, and he didn't like the snow either. Another kid from Miami, he wasn't used to the white stuff.

The girl's words reminded him of his father and he flinched a bit when she cussed. His voice came up quietly behind her.

"Do you have any gloves?" He sure didn't.


fucktonofcoffee December 28 2010, 06:34:17 UTC
Deb looked around when he asked if she had any gloves, and she shivered a bit. Shoving her hands into her pockets, she'd been about to tell him no when she found a pair of ugly pink and yellow knit mittens.

"Got these," her tone told how ugly she found the things.

"You can have 'em if ya want 'em." She thrust the gloves towards him with half a smile.


feel_theburn December 28 2010, 22:35:50 UTC
Michael smiled shyly and caught them, quickly shoving his hands into them. He looked up at her through long lashes, his nose runny.

"Thanks," he said softly.

He was scared. He didn't know where he was or where the snow had come from, and he had a feeling he wouldn't be home in time for dinner. That could never end well.


fucktonofcoffee December 29 2010, 03:59:14 UTC
"Uh huh." She spoke softy in response to him, and then wiggled her nose a bit, looking at him. Hopefully he wasn't going to start crying on her; she didn't know what he'd do if he started to get involved with crying.

"'M Deb. What's your name?" Names were good, easy and simple, right?


feel_theburn December 30 2010, 16:19:15 UTC
He wasn't going to cry. He was a big boy, and big boys never cried. His sleeve wiped his nose.



fucktonofcoffee December 31 2010, 06:54:54 UTC
"Okay, Micheal. There ain't nothing to be scared of, okay? Everything's gonna be okay." She wasn't sure how she ended up being the big sister but that was alright. Debra looked to him and stamped her feet in the snow; they were starting to feel cold.

"'Kay, so what should we do?"


feel_theburn January 1 2011, 03:25:32 UTC
"I'm not scared," he said with a huff. "Only babies are scared."


fucktonofcoffee January 3 2011, 17:01:45 UTC
"Nuh uh! My Daddy is a police officer and he says that everyone gets scared sometimes!" The words were spoken in an offended tone; it had been a lesson that had been very hard for Debra to accept, and it was one of the few times that she had felt that she was important in her father's life. Well, as important as her brother Dex.


feel_theburn January 7 2011, 19:26:24 UTC
"Well my Daddy says the police don't know how to mind their damn business. And he says only babies and girls get scared of stuff. Else you're just a sissy." His arms crossed stubbornly. He may not always like his dad, but the things his father has always told him are ingrained in him.


fucktonofcoffee January 7 2011, 20:02:26 UTC
"Well my daddy probably put your daddy in god damn jail!" Debra Morgan didn't take well to people talking smack about her father in any incarnation, ever, and this boy who had a criminal for a dad was making her right unhappy about things.

"You take that back." She announced, and she pulled herself up to her not insubstantial height.


feel_theburn January 7 2011, 20:28:05 UTC
Michael's eyes narrowed and he looked up at her. "No! Cuz it's what my daddy said! My daddy isn't in jail!" Though he kind of wished he was, because then he wouldn't be home. Maybe that would be better. But he wasn't going to say that to Deb.


fucktonofcoffee January 8 2011, 00:55:41 UTC
"Uh huh!" Deb was annoyed again, and she really wanted to push the kid down. Her Daddy had told her... well, had told Dex and Deb had heard him, that no one likes bullies, and she didn't want to be a bully, but she didn't like this kid at all. No siree bob she didn't.

"People is allowed to be scared!" She shouted, as if shouting would somehow mean that she automatically wins the argument.


feel_theburn February 9 2011, 22:10:58 UTC
He was starting to get a little scared of the girl, and he really didn't like when people yelled at him. His bottom lip jutted out slightly and his voice fell softer.

"Not in my house."


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