Damn, balls, damn.

Dec 27, 2010 17:33

Who: Deb and open. Multiple threads encouraged.
What: Miami girl hates the snow
When: Morning.
Where: The porch of the boarding house.

Like most children in Florida, Debra Morgan was sure of one damn thing: snow was easy. She was surprised to find that it wasn't. Surprised and rather mortified, really, as she stood on the damn porch shivering in the red flannel jacket that had been provided. She'd even shoved the hat on her head, and still she felt like she was shivering her head off.

"This is damn stupid." Debra muttered lowly, pleased and proud by her newly acquired vocabulary. Her mother had washed her mouth out every time she heard it come out of it, but that didn't stop her from using it every chance she got. Really, in some ways it only seemed to make Deb use it more.

"Damn," eight year old Debra muttered again, and kicked at the snow on the porch with her new boots that she didn't like. She wanted her damn flipflops. "Don't like snow." The words were announced to no one and everyone. "Snow sucks."

gabriel, derek morgan, [day 47], [log]:, michael westen, erik, debra morgan

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