it's better to burn out than fade away.

Dec 26, 2010 15:40

Who: Dean and open. Multiple threads encouraged.
What: Dean's not sure what's going on.
When: Early morning.
Where: The porch of the boarding house.

Waking up the morning after Christmas during the peak hours was nothing new to Dean. )

gabriel, [day 47], [log]:, dean winchester, {sam winchester}

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Comments 57

imnot_likeyou December 27 2010, 00:16:42 UTC
Sam has no idea where he is.

First of all, he woke up and Dean was gone. Second, there was no sign of the Christmas tree anywhere. Third, Dean was gone. Fourth, this wasn't a motel room. That much was obvious.

There was someone sleeping in the bed next to him, but he just slipped out of it quietly, making his way forward towards the door and bailing for the exit. He needed to get out of there and find a way to get a hold of his father or brother. That was procedure. That was how things were done. He hit the front door of the house and blew through it, only coming to a stop when he saw Dean sitting there.



possemagnet December 27 2010, 00:20:00 UTC
Dean knew that voice, his legs locked and his shoulder twitched before he turned to face his brother. He was half tempted to get up and hug him, but no- that was a girly thing to do.

"Sam-" You're here too. He breathed a sigh. He was glad that at least he wasn't alone. He moved over on the porch as a gesture for him to sit.

"What'ya think happened? Did Dad tell you where he went? Did he?"


imnot_likeyou December 27 2010, 00:21:58 UTC
Sam shook his head, before going to plop down next to his brother. He shifted to let his elbows rest on his knees, staring out over the town. "Dad never tells me anything. You know that."

He looked over the town, and there was nothing familiar about it. At all. Sam was usually better at remembering things like this, and right now, he was coming up empty. "Do you know where we are?"


possemagnet December 27 2010, 00:43:47 UTC
"Sure, I do, Sam," Dean replied in mocking sarcasm. It had been obvious that he was just as lot as Sam had been and it didn't help a bit that he was frustrated too. He was starting to think their Dad really had dropped him off here.

"Did you eat breakfast?"

That protective instinct kicked in hard and fast.


a_tricky_one December 27 2010, 23:57:38 UTC
Gabriel had never been a child in the strictest sense of the word. But there had been a time when he wasn't quite so jaded. Before the fall of his brother, when everything had been simple. God, his Father, was good and there and He loved them.

Of course, that didn't mean he hadn't been a goofball even back then.

He wasn't sure what he was doing here in this strange body--- and what was this creature he was wearing, anyway? He wasn't familiar. It could hardly do justice to his true form and he seemed to be powerless. But that was alright. His Father must have done this. So like any good son is want to do, Gabriel planned to enjoy it.

He spotted another young hairless ape that looked about the same age as the body he was wearing and grinned. A new friend? Gabriel leaned down and snatched some snow off the railing of the porch and tossed the balled up snow at the head of the young ape. Then he waved emphatically at him.


possemagnet December 28 2010, 19:32:29 UTC
"What d'you want plucky?" Dean replied, he stopped tossing rocks at the the mailbox for a moment to acknowledge him.


a_tricky_one December 28 2010, 20:29:14 UTC
"I don't know. Just wanted to say hi." he waved again, walking closer, "Hi."

Gabriel looked at his rock tossing curiously, "What are you doing?"


possemagnet December 28 2010, 21:25:03 UTC
"What does it look like I'm doing?"

This kid must've been new or something. Tossing rocks was tossing rocks.

"D'you live around here?"


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