it's happening all the time ; when i open my eyes ;; ARRIVAL ;; day 43

Nov 18, 2010 03:07

WHO: Buffy Summers ;; open!
WHAT: Arrival
WHERE: Town Square
WHEN: Day 43, noon-ish?
WARNINGS/NOTES: Buffy has returned to Peaksville - at least, that's what everyone else will think. For her, it's a first arrival. She doesn't remember anything.

i'm still taken by surprise )

gabriel, {cordelia chase}, [log]:, [day 43], buffy summers

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a_tricky_one November 18 2010, 15:43:56 UTC
Gabriel had just arrived this morning. His tape was now stashed in a safe, undisclosed location (in other words: his room). He was walking around town trying to wrap his head around all this. He could make plenty of jokes about it. And the Twilight Zone motif was interesting, but he was still powerless. He didn't like that, one bit.

He spotted the weapon wielding blond as he was walking, and stopped mid-stride. Hellllooooo, hottie. He checked his breath-- yeah, didn't smell like rotten fish, he was good. Gabriel sauntered over and took a seat next to her, grinning broadly.

"You come here often?"


alwayscutoff November 21 2010, 13:53:27 UTC
Buffy just looked over at the guy like he was... completely out of his mind. What the hell kind of question was that? She was stranded, in the middle of weirdo-ville, without a way to leave and... This guy was doing what?

Hitting on her.

"Not by choice," she replied, nose wrinkled, and sounding more skeptical than anything else.


a_tricky_one November 21 2010, 15:01:37 UTC
Gabriel just had a skewed sense of priorities. He'd already determined that he couldn't do much to get himself out of here, so he might as well enjoy himself.

"Yeah, me neither. So, you're new then?" he asked, "Me too."

He held out his hand to her, "Loki."


alwayscutoff November 24 2010, 12:25:47 UTC
Her eyebrows rose slowly. This guy really didn't do much with the hint-taking. She stared, quite a bit dumbfounded, before she finally surrendered and offered her hand. Loki. What kind of a name was -

"I'm Buffy," she said, forcing a smile. "And, yeah - I'm new."


a_tricky_one November 24 2010, 16:46:06 UTC
"Buffy?" Yeah, he totally just laughed at her name.


alwayscutoff November 28 2010, 10:56:54 UTC
"Yeah, Buffy." She wrinkled her nose, displeased.

"At least my name actually sounds like it goes with my gender. What kind of name is Loki for a guy?"


a_tricky_one November 28 2010, 14:59:45 UTC
He just snorted, "Clearly, you don't know much about mythology, blondie." Gabriel leaned back in the bench and surveyed their surroundings, casually.

"Loki. Norse god of mischief... etc and so forth. This is the sorta place I could get behind. If I weren't ya know... powerless and stuck here too."


alwayscutoff November 29 2010, 11:46:30 UTC
"I know plenty," she frowned. She did know plenty. She'd just never heard of Loki. "And don't ever call me blondie again."

One eyebrow rose higher than the other. "... So you're a God. Great." Buffy rolled her eyes. The last thing she needed was another power-tripping crazy. She'd had her fill of that with Glory. "The Norse couldn't have come up with a more manly name for you?"


a_tricky_one November 29 2010, 18:42:45 UTC
"Yup, that's me. A god..."

More like a complete liar. Gabriel just laughed at her quip regarding his name, "Well, Thor was taken..."


alwayscutoff November 30 2010, 13:09:37 UTC
"Not the first one I've met," she said, lips pouting slightly as her eyebrows rose more. "Definitely winning points for not trying to kill me."

Buffy snorted. "Seriously, though. Loki? You could totally have gone with like... Some other... mythology. And gotten a way better name. Like Zeus. Or Osiris. Or... Something that doesn't sound like a girly foreign exchange student name."


a_tricky_one November 30 2010, 15:05:29 UTC
"Oh, well, I don't just try and kill people..." He was much more creative that that, "So, no worries." Plus, he was powerless. Lame.

He frowned, half rolling his eyes, "I happen to like my name. And it's not like I exactly had a choice in my name, you know." Only he did, considering he made Loki up, but he wasn't about to go into that.


alwayscutoff December 1 2010, 19:39:53 UTC
"Just? What, you do Poker on Tuesdays and Thursdays, too?" Her amusement was waning. Killing people was many different kinds of bothersome for her.

"Must be a foreign thing," she rolled her eyes right back. "So, what - you showed up and somebody just decided it?"


a_tricky_one December 1 2010, 22:14:11 UTC
"No, checkers." he smirked, not really caring if she was judging him, although perhaps he should be more careful. He was more than a little exposed here. But he honestly didn't know how not to be cocky.

"My parents named me." Gabriel shrugged, lying through his teeth, "Gods do have those. The Norse do, at least. And the Greeks and Romans..."


alwayscutoff December 4 2010, 08:22:17 UTC
Buffy's face couldn't have been more blank in its expression than it was in that moment. "God, no - really. Who are you?" She really didn't get it. At all. He just kept babbling about being a god...

"If you're a god, why are you trapped here?"


a_tricky_one December 4 2010, 15:49:24 UTC
"What? Have gods never been trapped places before?" he frowned at her, "I'm hardly the first."


alwayscutoff December 6 2010, 15:50:33 UTC
He made a valid point. Still,she frowned right back. "Well - I mean, not on this scale. He told you you weren't real, too, right?"


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