M'kay, gotta do something with that damn lj or I'm gonna go crazy. Truth is obvious - the main reason for the pathetic existence of my lj is to stalk
yamane ayano and gintama communities - which is also not very social activity as I'm only a leech that sucks scanlations (In fact, there are few things that piss me off more than the regular fanfic spam on those - yeah, I know what are communities for, but for god's sake...). I felt kinda uncomfortable with my lack of online activity and so, I decided to cut out WoW for a while and start something more creative. Sketch spam or angsty drama ramblings - can't decide yet.
As for creativity, I spend last 3 days on doing 60 sec drawings using
this great thing until half of my pencils burned. Try it. You know you want to.
I gotta also tell you, that the polish
Otaku (maga)zine has published the special issue with polish doujinshis i chapters and
my stupid webcomic has also been included. In polish ofcourse. Here's the cover:
The next issue is planned for january. Like I ever manage to finish the next chapter for it... XD Got 3 out of approximately 40 pages. Good for me.
Ah yes, here's the progress of the (4th) page I'm in the middle of inking:
http://i524.photobucket.com/albums/cc325/irving_washington/39prog.jpg And I have strong will to finish it today and put it online. Woohoo!
That's it for now. But I'll be back.