:: You
Name: Tyler
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Female
Stamped As: Alice Cullen [regular], Jane [villain], Bella Swan [hero], Edward Cullen [lullaby writer]
Would you prefer explanations along with the votes? I like explanations, but I don't insist on them. Just don't be a sheep.
Would you prefer the replies to remain spoiler free? No.
:: Lessons Learned
What is/was your favorite school subject? Why? I don't think I had one. Maybe English 'cause I was naturally good at it, or the short handicrafts course I took, because I really enjoyed knitting.
What is/was your least favorite school subject? Why? Pretty much everything. Mostly sports, because the two main teachers I had seemed to have something personal against me, home economics because it just wasn't my cup of tea [ironically, nowadays I occasionally like cooking], and math because it was so boring.
Have you ever taken a school subject(class) you thought would be more interesting than it was? What happened? How would you have made it better? I don't think I've taken one.
:: Footprints in our Minds
Have you ever had a teacher you loved and respected? Why that person? Oh yes, our sixth grade teacher was awesome! He was actually just a substitute, but the man who was supposed to be our real teacher went on a vacation after the first week, so we got Samuli as our substitute. I think he was the best teacher I've ever had because he was funny and professional at the same time. It was so easy to like him and respect him, two things that are separately pretty difficult to do, not to mention to be able to do them both. And also, I randomly walked to him in the hallway three years later, he said 'hi' to me, and the fact that he remembered me and recognized me really made me think he actually cares about his students.
Have you ever had a teacher you loathed and looked down on? Why that person? There were a lot of them, but the one I loathed the most was our 8th/9th grade sports teacher. She always seemed to treat the students in an arrogant way, and if someone had a note from home with the parent's signature saying they couldn't participate and/or they looked clearly nauseous, she would look at them and treat them the way that they were lying and being just lazy. The one thing that annoyed me about her attitude the most was the fact that my mom used to look after her kids, and she had told my mom that she didn't even have the education to be a sports teacher, and yet she didn't seem to have a problem treating her students the way she did.
In your opinion, all teachers should approach their occupation like... what? How would you recommend teachers to be? If you ask me, I think all teachers should enjoy doing their job, have a positive attitude and be patient with their students.
:: Perpetual Homework
Do you prefer verbal or written exams? Why? Written. I would be way too damn nervous and awkward during verbal questioning, I would use "umm", "err", "uhh", "I don't know" and other such witty phrases way too much. Thank god I've never had to do a verbal exam.
Do you learn more through discussions or simply reading books? Why? Even though I prefer reading, I think discussion is the easier learning way. If you don't get something or have questions, a book can't explain or answer you.
Do you prefer exams with long detailed questions (requiring detailed answers) or simple questions (with multiple choice answers already listed)? Simple questions, definitely. Because if you don't know the answer, you can throw in a wild guess can maybe get some points, which is a lot better than leaving a big empty space on the lines that's supposed to include your answer to the long detailed question.
Would you rather do a pretty big project or a pretty big oral report? Pretty big project. You probably remember my answer in the verbal or written exams question.
Would you rather have a more interactive class or a robotic 'hand-in and be graded' class? A mix of both, but I think I'm tilting a bit more towards the interactive class.
:: Teaching Should Be an Ideal
You're late for class, what does your teacher do? Asks why, and if I have a good reason he'll send me to my seat, but if there's no good reason [for example, if I had just overslept or something] he'd write me being late down and if I'd be late for three times total without a proper excuse, I'd get detention.
You hand in your assignment two weeks early, what does your teacher tell you? He'd make sure I'd want to hand the assignment in right now, and tell me he's not going to evaluate 'till after the actual assignment day, so if I want it back and edit it somehow before it's actually due, all I have to do is ask him.
Your teacher discovers that, even though you had been assigned to a team to complete a project, you've been the one doing most (if not all) of the workload. What does he do? He'd only let the grade of the project affect my final grade, and assign a new project for the rest of the team, and in order to make sure they'd do it, he'd make them do the project after school, under his supervision.
Your teacher catches a student cheating on an exam, what does he do? Takes the test away from them, and later makes the student who cheated a new test with completely different questions from the original one.
You're outside school, enjoying an ordinary day (at the mall, a park, a beach, wherever you like) when you see your teacher not too far from you... how does the interaction play out between both of you? If we happen to walk by each other, we simply exchange a 'hi' and continue our way.
:: Because votes are still a must...