:: You
Stamped As:Esme
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:: Evil Does Well
What defines a villain for you? Why?Well mostly someone who murders in cold blood but also bullies as well.
What is the best back-story (past) a villain can have, and why?The ones who are one step away from hero like Magento & Darth Vader.Where there's a grain of truth to what they say.
What should be a villain's perfect weapon, and why?Manipulating the mind. You never have to get your hands dirty because if you do it well your enemy will destroy themselves.
What is the appropriate weakness for the ultimate villain, and why?I think an appropriate weakness would be the person they loved the most whether it be a lover or a child. :: The Evils of the World
Name a few of your favorite literary/t.v./movie villains:Magneto,Bullseye,Elektra,Elle Bishop,Sylar,The Joker ,The Emperor in Star Wars
Choose one (of the mentioned above) villain and explain why he's the perfect villain:Magneto because of what I said earlier about the villians who are a step away from being heroes. He was an innocent child who had a horrible thing happen to him .He's seen humanity at it's worst and he had done nothing to hurt Hitler's pawns.He makes you see his point of view. I also love how he respects his 'enemy' Charles Xavier.
:: This or That
Works Alone or Leads an Army?I like both.Sometimes help is wise but sometimes not.
Angry or Numb?bit of both
Capable of Love or Incapable of Love?Capable of Love
Eerily Sane or Completely Insane?in between
Blood-hungry or Revenge-Seeking?Revenge-Seeking
God-complex or Problem with Authority?Problem with Authority
:: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
The villain of your story once belonged to a 'happy' family, until something happens, and they're dead. What do you think happened? Well the kid either did it or was changed by witnessing it.
The villain of your story falls in love with a girl, but another man claims her (being richer and better). What do you think this does to him?Destroys him.
The villain of your story had been holding a woman ransom - occasionally torturing her - and for some reason, when someone's about to kill him, she stops them. What should be his reaction?First a 'WTF' look but grateful,maybe even visit or have the woman visit him and question her as to why she showed mercy.
:: Because votes are still a must...
http://community.livejournal.com/twilightstamps/219258.html?view=2117754#t2117754 2-