Kickin' it old school with the Volturi!

May 31, 2009 23:56

:: You
Name: Ally
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Stamped As: Alice
Would you prefer explanations along with the votes? Sure!
Would you prefer the replies to remain spoiler free? Not at all

:: Evil Does Well
What defines a villain for you? Why? Chilling attitude, unadulterated cold-heartedness, and a kickass wardrobe. If it's a male villain, I love a bit of handsomeness/sexiness thrown into the mix. I like the female villains to be more devoid of emotion, really cold, and slightly crazy.
What is the best back-story (past) a villain can have, and why? I love (lovelovelove) villains that started off really pure hearted and with good intentions, but ended up evil because of the way the world treated them or because of the way they grew up. I just find that totally fascinating and tragic.
What should be a villain's perfect weapon, and why? Their mind, because without it they wouldn't be able to plot and scheme and fight against the heroes.
What is the appropriate weakness for the ultimate villain, and why? I most like it when the numb villains have love as their weakness (in one form or another, whether it be romantic love or family-type love), although it's kind of cliche. But I also love it when villains fear death and weakness.

:: The Evils of the World
Name a few of your favorite literary/t.v./movie villains: Lord Voldemort! Darth Vader (lol), the Phantom of the Opera, Azazeal (from Hex), Bellatrix Lestrange, Queen Beryl, Gareth (from the Labyrinth), Chuck Bass, Guy of Gisborne, Nimueh (from Merlin)
Choose one (of the mentioned above) villain and explain why he's the perfect villain: Azazeal from Hex is probably my favorite villain ever. First of all, he's practically Satan. He's manipulative, hypnotic, relentless, and terrifying. He has one of those quiet-fury-type of tempers which I think are terrifying. He has absolutely no qualms about hurting people and makes Fight Club jokes in front of his torture victims. He is also undeniably sexy and ridiculously attrative -- practically impossible to resist. But, in the end, he does have a softer side, but you have to squint to see it. And it's always impossible to tell if he's telling the truth or not.

:: This or That
Works Alone or Leads an Army? Works alone
Angry or Numb? Numb! The numb ones are always more chilling and terrifying and you can't help but wonder what made them that way.
Capable of Love or Incapable of Love? Capable of love! Makes it that much more tragic.
Eerily Sane or Completely Insane? Eerily sane.
Blood-hungry or Revenge-Seeking? Blood hungry.
God-complex or Problem with Authority? Problem with authority

:: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
The villain of your story once belonged to a 'happy' family, until something happens, and they're dead. What do you think happened? The family is murdered as a form of unfair punishment for something not necessarily deserving death to be the punishment..I've been watching way too much Robin Hood :p
The villain of your story falls in love with a girl, but another man claims her (being richer and better). What do you think this does to him? Makes him power hungry and revenge-seeking! He plots out a way to ruin the reputation and life of the richer & better man and, while part of him still loves the girl he fell in love with, another part of him also hates the girl for doing that to him. He inevitably ends up destroying her too.
The villain of your story had been holding a woman ransom - occasionally torturing her - and for some reason, when someone's about to kill him, she stops them. What should be his reaction? He's stunned, but suspicious.

:: Because votes are still a must...
I haven't been here in awhile (sorry! school is killing me!) but I've saved all my old links

villain: maria

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