We've all done things we're not proud of. Comically misplaced modifiers, misspelled names of canon characters, and, oh yes, Mary Sue. Even if we never wrote about her, until we learned who she was and why nobody liked her, she seemed like a pretty damn good idea.
"LiveJournal is the confessional booth of the new millenium" [1] -- let's use it. Consider this the start of a fandom confessional free-for-all. Log out and post anonymously (or not, if you're shameless like me), and tell the world the really awful fandom mistake you made. If you're really brave, tell us about your Mary Sue, however short-lived she was.
Then grab your copy of OotP, read three paragraphs aloud, and swear to JKR you'll never do it again.
I'll start:
I posted several stories that misspelled McGone...McGonna...Mc... Oh, hell, I still can't spell it.
My first fanfic idea was for a Mage crossover. I decided to interpret Hogwarts as a Hermetic chantry (with maybe a Node somewhere in the Chamber of Secrets), and I thought it would be fun to drop a Cultist into the middle of things. Heh. Bad idea. Her name was Chloe, she was a dancer, and I wanted to introduce her with the following exchange:
Snape raised an eyebrow. "Cult of Ecstasy?"
"I'm sure it's not what it sounds like," sniffed McGonegall.
"Actually," Dumbledore said, twinkling as usual, "It's exactly what it sounds like."
::pulls out copy of OotP::
Footnote: [1]
quoted from Mike Hoye, discovered via