If we live on borrowed time, who is lending it to us? I'm going to go with the safe (and played out) choice of China. Either they're our current lenders, or will become time lenders. This only brings up more questions though, who does time credit checks? Is there interest on the time we borrow? If so, is the interest why some people live longer than others, or does our Fetal Time Credit(FTC) score determine how long we live? What controls our FTC?! Is that all god is, a creditor? That must make priests freecreditreport.com. Logically then, masses are just the shitty sing-along commercials they have which are disgustingly catchy.
I think I still need to post my satirical essay I did at junior college. Btw, when is firefox going to autocorrect my god damn lower case i's? I'm kind of disturbed that this hasn't been some app yet. How many times do I have to correct myself before the program learns I'm retarded? Maybe it's better this way. I'm wholeheartedly starting to believe that this automation and simplification of things that usually require conscious thought is slowly killing our intelligence. I would love to read some old letters sent back from the Civil War and the War of 1812 vs common wars now. Let me go do this. Brb.
Civil War, Letter to Henry A. Bitner June 18th 1816:
"...The boisterous winds of noonday had died away and given
place to the gentler zephyrs of a delightful June
evening. The intervening clouds, which had emerged in
mountain like masses, from the Western horizon had
dispelled the scorching rays of that luminary, which
was gently sinking in the western sky and all was calm
and serene, save the evening notes of a few joyous ..."
Iraq War letters:
Well, I actually couldn't find any. I suppose because people are still alive the only way they'd get online is voluntary posting, and anyone who is philanthropic enough to post their own letters online in some sort of blog is probable on the fringes of the military IQ bell curve.
I'm going to have to post more often. I think writing in this lolblog is a bit easier and more relaxing than my moleskin.
EDIT: Okay, this is just too fitting to not edit in.
http://kotaku.com/5226646/ease-in-the-weekend-with-the-braid-soundtrackIf you haven't played the game, go do it. If you don't want to, at least listen to the music. So good<3