Fic - Hands and Mouths

Aug 28, 2010 18:48

Title - Hands and Mouths
Rating - MA
Pairing - Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer - Don't belong to me. If I did own it, Ianto wouldn't have died. Simple as that really. I'm just writing for fun.
Spoiler - None
Warnings - Hand fetish
Summary - Jack had noticed Ianto's hands, among other things, when they first met, and they entered his dreams not long after that.
Prompt - hand fetish from my
kink_bingo  card.
A/N - I can't believe how long it's been since I wrote this pairing, and this took me forever (the boys just weren't co-operating). For those waiting for the sequel to 'A Different Kind of Kiss' it should be up soon (I'm about half way done, so should start posting soon). Anywho, I hope you enjoy this little one-shot :).

“… I think that the investigation still needs to be open, Jack …”

Jack nodded, not really listening to what Gwen was saying. He had been listening to her in the beginning, she had had his full attention, really, and then Ianto had walked past, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, showing off his lower arms and elegant hands, and Jack hadn’t been able to refocus since.

Jack had noticed Ianto’s hands, among other things, when they first met, and they had entered his dreams not long after that.

There was just something about them; when Ianto had his sleeves rolled up, his hands showed off for all to see that made Jack unable to focus on anything else. Even now, sitting in the seat, trying to pay attention to Gwen, all he could think about was the soft hands, the way they could be so gentle and yet hard when the need called for it, the long elegant fingers that …

“I’ll think about it, Gwen,” he said suddenly, cutting the Welshwoman off on the speech she had no doubt prepared, holding his hand up when she tried to continue.

“I’ll think about it,” he repeated, giving her his ‘I’m serious, don’t push your luck’ look. “Could you send Ianto in here on your way out?”

Gwen huffed, giving him a suspicious look before she turned and walked out.

Leaning back against the chair, he closed his eyes, a picture of Ianto’s hands flashing before his eyes, making the warm ache that had started grow a little warmer, his breath quickening.


Opening his eyes, Jack felt a smile cross his face as he looked at his beautiful Welshman, his eyes straying down to those beautiful hands by Ianto’s side.

“Shut the door, Ianto,” he said, his voice dropping into a husky tone.

Ianto shut the door, a confused look on his face as he turned around, Jack wondering how long it would take for Ianto to realize why he had called him up to the office.

“Is there something wrong, Sir?” Ianto asked, walking towards the desk, his eyebrow raised in question.

“Mmhm,” Jack replied, his eyes still staring at Ianto’s hands, before slowly trailing his eyes up Ianto’s body to meet his eyes, then standing up and stalking towards the other man.

“J-jack?” Ianto asked, looking at him in confusion as he reached out his hands to grab Ianto’s right, his eyes and fingers running over it, tracing the long elegant fingers and the creases on the soft palm.

Eyes rising, he made sure Ianto was looking at him, before raising the hand to his mouth, taking one of the fingers and licking a long stripe up it, taking the tip into his mouth and sucking.

He heard Ianto’s breath catch, saw his pupils dilate, as he took more of it into his mouth, before pulling off and doing the same thing with the next finger.

“Ja-jack,” Ianto stuttered, before shaking his head, trying to regain the composure Jack knew he was losing.

“Mm?” he asked, not letting himself be deterred from his task.

“We’re working,” he said breathily, his eyes almost closing as Jack let the finger he’d been sucking fall from his mouth.

“We can take a lunch break,” Jack said, before taking the next finger, twirling his tongue around the tip, grinning when he heard Ianto’s cut off moan.

“It’s ten o’clock,” Ianto replied, his voice cracking at the end, as Jack bit the tip of his finger.

“So we’ll take a morning tea break,” Jack said, dropping Ianto’s right hand and moving on to the left, administrating the same treatment, grinning wickedly when Ianto’s eyes fluttered close.

“Jack,” Ianto said, swallowing again, eyes still closed, head arching back slightly. “The door … isn’t even locked and the … the blinds are open.”

Jack hummed again, sucking Ianto’s fingers in a rhythm, grinning around them when Ianto’s eyes opened, pupils blown wide as he stared at him. Pulling off with a pop, he only had a moment to grin before Ianto’s mouth was on his, his body flush against Jack’s, hands holding his face.

“Maybe,” Ianto said, taking a moment to catch his breath when he pulled back. “Maybe we could take a break.”

Jack nodded, his arms wrapping around the Welshman, before covering his mouth with his own again, knowing from the beginning that this had been going to happen.

Because he might have a fetish about Ianto’s hands, but he knew that Ianto had one about his mouth.


rating: ma, pairing: jack/ianto, fandom: torchwood, kink_bingo

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