Fic - Hidden Plans (3/5)

Aug 26, 2010 18:21

Title - Hidden Plans (3/5)
Rating - G
Pairing - None
Characters - Adam, Dean, John, mentions of Sam
Disclaimer - Don't belong to me. If I did own it, things would be much much different (Sam not being an idiot in the fourth season, Dean not being one at the end of season 5 )
Spoiler - 4x18 - Jump the Shark
Warnings - Um, none, I think
Summary - Adam realizes that his mom and John aren't going to introduce him to his brothers. And so takes matters into his own hands. Things don't go the way he'd planned.
A/N - A huge thanks to those who reviewed, you guy made my day with your comments. For those who were waiting for John and his reaction ... I hope you're not too disappointed.

Chapter 3
Short Confession
Adam paled as Dean mentioned John.

He knew his father wouldn’t be happy about him stowing away in the Impala to meet Dean and Sam. Knew that he would be angry … really angry.

“Um,” he said, slouching down in the seat more.

He had hoped that he would have more time with his brothers before being found out, knowing that John would make him go home straight away. Instead all he’d gotten was hurt by some … ghost, and Dean not believing him.

“Problem, kid?” Dean asked, turning around, and raising an eyebrow at him.

Frowning at the disbelieving look on his big brother’s face, Adam opened the door, hopping out and making his way to the front of the car.

He saw Dean shake his head, a small smile crossing, unwillingly Adam was sure, his big brother’s face as he walked past him, pulling out a key and opening the door.

“Dad?” he called, Adam moving so he was hidden by his, tall, brother.

“You get that salt and burn done?” John asked, not looking up, immersed in the book he was reading.

“Something you need to tell me?” Dean asked, moving to the side, hand gesturing to where Adam had been trying to hide behind him, looking at his father expectantly.

Adam swallowed hard when John looked up, looking at Dean in confusion. He saw the exact moment he realized what Dean was talking about, his eyes falling to where Adam stood, frown crossing his face as he stood up.

“Adam?” John asked, and Adam almost flinched at the anger in the tone, only just stopping himself from running when John moved forward. “What are you doing here?”

“Wait,” Dean said, moving in front of him and stopping John from reaching him. “He was telling the truth?”

“Not now, Dean,” John said, trying to get around Dean, but stopped by Dean’s hand on his chest. “I asked you a question, Adam.”

“No, now, Dad,” Dean replied, the anger clear in his voice, as he took a step closer to their Dad. “Was he telling me the truth, that we’re … that … we’re brothers?”

Peeking around Dean, Adam saw John stop, running a hand through his hair.

“Dean,” John started, face looking tired, but clearly saying yes, seemingly forgetting his anger at Adam for the moment.

“I have another brother and you didn’t tell me?” Dean asked, his voice rising, moving closer to their dad.

“I wanted to keep him from this,” John said quietly.

“What the hell does that have to do with me knowing about my brother?” Dean asked, and Adam wondered if he was about to hit John.

“Dean,” John said, shaking his head, guilt and regret flashing across his face.

Adam almost gasped when Dean turned suddenly, looking at John in shock as Dean gently grabbed his arm and led him outside.

“Where are you going, Dean?” John asked, following them outside.

“The hospital,” Dean replied, moving over to the passenger side door of the Impala and holding it open for Adam.

Looking between the two adults, Adam felt his chest tighten.

He hadn’t meant for the two of them to get in a fight, he hadn’t wanted to cause ‘friction’, as his mom would call it, between his family.

He’d just wanted to meet his brothers.

“It’s alright, kid,” Dean said quietly, gesturing for him to get in. “You hit your head; I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“He hit his head?” John asked, moving closer.

“Yes,” Dean replied, shutting the door after Adam got in, before moving around the front of the car and to the driver’s side of the door. “I found him at the house.”

“Dean,” John said, worry sparking in his eyes, opening his mouth to say more, but stopping when Dean raised a hand.

“Not now, Dad,” he replied, opening the door.

“I’ll meet you at there,” John said, turning away, and getting into his own car.

Dean snorted, slamming his door shut and starting the car, pulling out of the parking lot without a glance back at their father.

Sitting in the silence, Adam ran his hands over his jeans, trying to think of something to say to make everything alright, to make Dean not angry.

Maybe he hadn’t thought this through as well as he’d thought. He had thought that once he met Dean and Sam, that everything would just fall into place, and he’d have the family he’d always dreamed about.

Instead he’d just made everything worse.

Maybe he should just go home.

“Dean?” he asked, trying not to flinch when the older boy turned to look at him. “I’m sorry.”

He saw confusion cross Dean’s face, the older boy sending him a look.

“Sorry for what?” Dean asked.

“I didn’t mean to make things bad,” he said in a small voice. “I just wanted to meet you and Sam.”

He looked down at his hands, trying to ignore the stinging in his eyes, not realizing that they’d stopped until he saw Dean turn to look at him.

“Kid,” Dean said, reaching out and squeezing his shoulder. “Adam. Look at me.”

Swallowing hard, Adam looked up at him, trying to hide behind his fringe.

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Dean said, giving him a smile. “You wanted to meet your brother … s, you wanted to meet your brothers. It’s understandable.”

“But you and John,” he started, stopping when Dean shook his head.

“Not your problem,” Dean said, opening his door. “Now let’s get you looked at.”

“I’m really okay,” Adam called, getting out of the car and following his brother reluctantly.

“Can’t be too sure,” Dean replied.

“Really,” Adam said, trying to convince the other boy. “I feel as good as new. Look, I can walk in a straight line and touch my finger to my nose. One hundred percent okay.”

He hated hospitals, having spent a month in one a couple of years ago, being poked and prodded. He’d promised himself he’d never go back.

Dean stopped a few steps in front of him, turning to look at him with a frown.

“What’s the matter, kid?” he asked, smirk spreading across his face. “You afraid of a little hospital, like a sissy girl?”

Adam huffed, not missing the pained look that crossed Dean’s face, stomping past him.

“I’m not a girl,” he said.

“Prove it, kid,” Dean said, following him through the entrance.


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A/N - So I originally had a bigger scene with John and his reaction to Adam, but I think after Dean figured out that his brother was hurt, I don't think he'd stick around to hear his dad tell his brother off. And John is being a little lenient considering the whole 'not tell Dean he has a brother' thing.

charac: adam, series: becoming a winchester, charac: dean, rating: g, charac: john, fandom: supernatural

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