Title - Darkness and Light
Author - twilightHDfan
Beta - twinsarein (thanks so much for all your help :D).
Word Count - 15,285 (*cough* yeah only just made it)
Rating - NC-17
Pairing - Clark/Lex
Summary - Every day the darkness within Prince Lex grows, slowly stripping away the light and goodness in the young man. When he and his Knights conquer the little village of Smallville, Lex meets a young boy who he instantly feels a connection to. Could Clark be the key in destroying the darkness that grows in the young Prince every day? Will it be in time to stop Lionel from getting Clark and Edge from destroying Lex?
Disclaimer - Nor mine unfortunately, I’m just having fun playing with them. They belong to the people who own Smallville and Superman.
Spoilers - None
A/N - Huge, huge thanks to
twinsarein for betaing and for helping me when I hit a block, and also to
tallihensia for the awesome banners she sent me (*cough* I couldn't decide between two, so I used one here and one on the first chapter, I hope you don't mind?). Can't thank you guys enough for all your awesome help :D
Chapter 1 Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6