Darkness and Light (2/6)

Aug 05, 2010 21:12

Title - Darkness and Light
Rating - NC-17
Pairing - Clark/Lex
Summary - Every day the darkness within Prince Lex grows, slowly stripping away the light and goodness in the young man.

Chapter 2
Swallowing hard, Lex quickly walked over to his table with the bottle of wine, and took a swig straight from the bottle, trying to will his arousal, and the voice in his head demanding him to take the young boy, away.

“Get dressed, Clark,” he said, trying to stop thinking of the expanse of golden skin he’d seen, the muscles that looked like one of the statues back home of the gods, the co-

He cut his thoughts off, closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, before he took another swig from his bottle, trying to will the dark part of him, that was telling him to take what he wanted, back.

“But …” Clark’s voice trailed off. “I thought …”

Confused. Clark sounded like he had no idea what was going on.

“Isn’t this why you brought me here?” he asked, voice small, a rustle behind Lex telling him that the boy was getting dressed.

“No,” Lex replied, shaking his head, still with his back to the boy. “I brought you here to attend to … to my clothes, tent, that kind of thing.”

“Oh,” Clark said quietly, his voice closer to Lex.

Turning, Lex drank in the younger man’s face, trying to stop the part of him that wanted to take Clark, to reach out and devour the mouth that he would be dreaming about for years to come.

He was too young and Lex needed to protect him from the dark things in the world that would take away his innocence.

People like him.

“You almost sound disappointed,” Lex muttered to himself, eyes watching as a blush stole over Clark’s face again.

“I’m not,” Clark muttered, hands wringing in front of him.

“Did you sleep at all, Clark?” Lex asked, stopping himself from reaching his hands out to him.

“Um, not really,” he murmured, looking up and giving him a small smile. “I was kind of, a bit, nervous.”

“Lie down, Clark,” Lex said quietly, hand reaching out and brushing a lock of hair away from Clark’s face. “Rest.”

“Where will you sleep?” Clark asked, looking up at him, and Lex could have almost sworn that Clark leant into the hand that was running through his silky locks.

“The bed’s big enough for the both of us,” Lex replied.

He had no idea where the idea had come from, him sharing a bed with a peasant, but it was worth it for the small smile on Clark’s face, the light in his eyes.

“A-are you sure?” Clark asked nervously.

“I promise that the only thing that will happen is sleep,” Lex murmured, dragging his hand away, and giving the young man a small smile of his own.

A flash of something crossed over Clark’s face, before the boy relaxed, the smile looking more natural.

“Are you retiring now?” Clark asked, his body relaxing, smile widening.

“I’m going to take one last report from the guards,” he replied, wondering why he was informing Clark of his plans. “And then I will yes.”

Moving away from the young man, Lex strode to the tent opening.

“Sleep, Clark,” he said, not turning, trying to control the part of him that was still telling him to take what was clearly on offer.

Stepping out into the cool night air, Lex felt his control coming back to him. Closing his eyes, he ran a hand over his head, before he moved off to talk to the guards.

As he expected, there was nothing really to report, the villagers they’d conquered were behaving and there had been no sight of any rebels or anyone who could cause a disturbance.

“Lex,” Oliver called, moving swiftly towards him.

“Oliver,” Lex replied, the two of them moving towards his tent.

“Bruce told me about Edge,” Oliver murmured, his eyes scanning their surroundings, looking for enemies that they both knew would be there soon.

“Yes,” Lex replied, “looks like he’s stepping up his plan.”

“I think you should leave now,” Oliver said, stepping closer to him. “You and Bruce can go ahead; I’ll stay with the men and the villagers. It’ll be harder for them to find you if it’s just the two of you riding.”

Shaking his head, Lex gripped Oliver’s shoulder, thankful that his friend cared about him, but knowing that his father would rip him to shreds if he returned before the other men.

“It’ll work out, Ollie,” he said, letting go of his shoulder and moving to his tent flap.

“It’d be safer, Lex,” Oliver continued. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“With you and Bruce, they won’t sneak up on us,” he replied, giving Oliver a grin before pushing through the flap and into his tent.

Automatically his eyes searched for Clark, smile crossing his face as he saw the raven hair sticking up from under the furs, almost all of Clark covered by them. Moving around the bed, he picked up his bottle of wine, sitting down on the chair and looking down at the face he could see.

In sleep, Clark was even more beautiful, long lashes covering his emerald eyes and laying softly against his cheeks, his mouth slack, and breaths coming steady and sure.

Lex wondered what fazed Clark.

Here he was, sleeping in the bed of a man who had conquered his village, and he didn’t seem to blink.

Leaning back in his chair, Lex took a long sip of wine straight from the bottle, wondering how he was going to share a bed with the gorgeous man and keep to his own promise not to touch him.

Reaching forward, Lex ran his fingers through Clark’s hair, feeling himself relax as Clark moved into the touch, a small smile touching his face. With his other hand, he ran his fingers gently over Clark’s lips, a thrill running through him as a little noise came from the young man.

Pulling himself away, Lex took another drink, resting his head on the back of the chair, and asking himself what kind of hell he had just gotten himself into.


There was no attack that night.

They packed up quickly and were on their way the next morning, Bruce and Oliver close to him, something that would have annoyed Lex in the past, but which he just found amusing now.

They had been moving almost all day, only stopping briefly for lunch, and now, with the sun starting to set, they would have to find accommodation soon, that or put up the tents.

All throughout the day, Lex’s eyes had searched for Clark, his breaths coming easier when he’d see the raven hair and green eyes. Clark was now walking in front of where he rode, talking quietly to a young girl with blonde hair, who was looking at Clark with worried eyes.

When Clark looked back, eyes meeting his, Lex couldn’t help but give a small smile before looking away.

Which is when the attack came.

They were surrounded by a number of men, all who looked like the type that Edge usually hired.

Seeing his men being taken down, Lex quickly jumped into action, pulling out his sword and fighting those who were closest to him.

He didn’t see the man with the crossbow until he felt the sting in his shoulder. Taking off after the man, he made up the distance quickly, heart racing as he saw the man grab Clark, the man raising his crossbow to hit the dark haired boy across the head.

Seeing red, he jumped off his horse, tackling the other man to the ground and knocking the small knife that had appeared in his hand, after the crossbow had gone flying, away.

Punching the man, he felt satisfaction as he heard something crack, his hand coming away red with blood. Losing his rational mind, he continued to punch, rage flowing out of him at the thought that the other man had tried to hurt Clark, until he felt a hand grip his arm gently, a quiet voice in his ear, and an arm wrapped around his waist to pull him away.

None of his Knights would dare stop him, and when he looked up with wild eyes, it took him a moment to recognize Clark.

Clark who was looking at him worriedly, who was whispering to him, telling him that he could stop, that the other man would be dealt with, that he didn’t have to do this.

“Clark?” he said, wondering what the question was that he seemed to be asking, that Clark seemed to know the answer to, if the small smile on his face and kindness in his eyes was anything to go on.

“Let him go.”

Looking up, Lex saw one of his knights pointing his sword at Clark.

He’d almost forgotten that Clark had an arm wrapped around him, that his thumb was rubbing gently along his arm, head next to his.

“It’s alright,” he said, pulling away from Clark, missing the warmth almost immediately, but knowing that he had a certain image to maintain when around his men.

“Do you want me to dispose of him, Sir?” the knight asked, pointing at the bloody man on the floor.

Shaking his head, Lex took a step forward, looking down at the mess he’d made.

“No,” he replied. “Put him in chains. He’ll stand trial when we get to Metropolis.”

“And we might be able to get some information about who hired him,” Bruce said, as he walked up, his eyes flicking over the tableau in front of him, eyes resting speculatively on Clark, as the other knight took the bloodied man away from them.

“Grangeville isn’t far from here,” Bruce continued. “I think it might be a good place to rest for the night.”

Nodding, Lex took a step back, relaxing as he felt the warmth from Clark touch his back.

“Tell the men,” he said, turning his head and taking in Clark, who was still looking at him with a small smile on his face.

“You’ll ride with me,” he murmured, pulling himself up onto the horse, before extending a hand, a thrill running through him as Clark took it and pulled himself up behind Lex.


It didn’t take them long to reach Grangeville, and having Clark plastered against his back, his arms wrapped around him, and his smell surrounding him, Lex was more relaxed than he had been in a long time.

He wasn’t surprised to see Bruce had already arrived and set up the rooms for them.

He was surprised when Bruce said Clark would stay in the same room as Lex.

“To keep up the perception of course,” Bruce replied to Lex’s unasked question, although there was a gleam in his eye.

Lex made a note to have a talk with Bruce about the gleam tonight, after his wound was tended to and they had had dinner.

Later that night, standing outside with an ale in his hand, Lex looked up at the sky, wondering when he had become cursed.

“You wanted to talk?”

Turning he gave Bruce a small smirk.

“I did?” he asked, turning back to look at the sky.

“I could tell,” Bruce replied.

“Why did you put Clark in my room?” he asked, not beating around the bush; it wasn’t their way.

“You were going to anyway,” Bruce answered.

“That’s not the reason,” Lex shot back.

“You know why, Lex,” Bruce replied, dark gaze on him. “Every day I see you falling farther and farther into the darkness. Ollie and I try to keep you from having to fight, but we can’t always.”

Frowning, Lex turned, leaning against the rail and staring at Bruce.

“That boy,” Bruce said quietly. “He takes away the darkness from you. I know you feel it, Lex. He’s the one for you.”

Freezing, Lex shook his head.

“No,” he said, voice like ice. “He isn’t.”

When a Knight found their soul mate, being in their presence helped to ease the darkness somewhat, for a short period of time. If they didn’t strengthen the bond however, if they didn’t consummate it within that short period of time, then the darkness would move more swiftly then before, consuming the knight faster.

And Lex refused to take Clark’s innocent, his light. The darkness in Lex was too great for any to bear now.

“Lex,” Bruce started, only to stop when Lex held up his hand.

“No,” he said, draining the rest of his ale and walking away from his friend. “I won’t do that to him.”

What he felt around Clark, the connection, it wasn’t because they were soul mates.

Lex wouldn’t let it be.

He missed the blonde haired girl that stepped away from the door, her eyes following him as he made his way upstairs, a thoughtful look on her face.

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rating: r, fanfic: darkness and light, pairing: clark/lex, fandom: smallville

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