Fic - Gradual Flirting

Jul 31, 2010 10:06

Title: Gradual Flirting
Author: twilightHDfan
Fandom: The Fast and the Furious
Pairing/Characters: Brian/Dom
Rating/Category: R/Slash
Prompt: Fast and the Furious, Dom/Brian, flirting
Spoilers: For the fourth slightly
Summary: It had started gradually, so gradually that Brian hadn’t even realized they were doing it, made him wonder if Dom even realized they were.
Notes/Warnings: *sigh* I have too many fandoms, I swear, its getting ridiculous. But I just couldn't resist, these two are practically canon. LOL.

It had started gradually, so gradually that Brian hadn’t even realized they were doing it, made him wonder if Dom even realized they were.

A few things said about the car, a few innuendos and looks a little longer then was strictly necessary, and Brian always felt his heart start to race, his stomach feeling all fluttery, a smile stretching across his face.

He wasn’t even sure when the touching had started, Dom was an affectionate guy after all, but he had started to realize that they both seemed to touch each other a lot during the day in the garage where they now worked.

After getting Dom off the bus, they had all split to Mexico, and he and Dom had set up a garage, which brought in a nice little profit.

Mia had returned to L.A., the police coming by a few times early on, but leaving her alone now. He had wondered why she had left, had asked her the last time he’d seen her.

“I’m not one to step in the path of something that’s so right,” she’d answered, kissing him on the cheek before he left.

That comment had stayed with him for a long time, had been the catalyst for him realizing what he and Dom were doing.

Because they were flirting, it slowly becoming something more, something that made Brian feel warm all over, made him want to grab Dom and kiss him, see how he tasted.

He just wasn’t sure that Dom knew what they were doing, the slow dance they were dancing, which is why he sat at the table, watching Dom talking to a couple of women, the girls clearly interested and Dom … walking back towards him.

“What’s going on?” he asked when Dom sat back down at their, incredibly, small table, placing the drinks he’d gone to get on the table, fingers brushing against Brian’s.

“Nothing,” Dom replied, taking a swig from his drink, eyes staring intensely at him.

Shrugging, Brian picked up his bottle, taking a swig and almost spitting it out again when he felt Dom push his leg into his, the warmth of Dom’s thigh not moving away.

“You alright there, Bri?” Dom asked, amusement in his voice and eyes.

“Fine,” Brian answered, leaning back in his chair, letting the top of the bottle rest against the bottom of his lip, before taking a sip, licking his lips after he’d finished, not missing the way that Dom’s eyes followed the action.

“That’s good,” Dom said, his voice somehow getting huskier, his leg slowly rubbing against Brian’s.

Breath catching, Brian could feel his arousal building, his cock starting to get hard at the slow rub of Dom’s thigh against his, the look in Dom’s eyes, promising something that Brian realized he’d wanted for a long time.

“That’s real good,” Dom said, almost purred.

Taking another sip, Brian looked away, trying to calm himself down, smile crossing his face as he realised that Dom obviously had known what they’d been doing, or at least had figured it out, like he had.

He almost jumped when he felt Dom’s hand grip his knee, Dom’s thumb rubbing circles on the inside of his thigh.

“You know,” Dom said, his hand moving up Brian’s leg. “You’re looking a little flushed.”

Brian swallowed heavily, shifting a little in his chair as his cock continued to get hard, hips moving towards Dom, his body telling Dom exactly where he wanted that hand.

“Oh yeah?” he asked, his voice breathy.

“Mmm,” Dom murmured in agreement, lazy smirk on his face. “I guess you must be hot?”

Grinning, Brian leans back in his chair, trying to ignore the warm thumb rubbing against his thigh.

“I’ve always been hot,” he replied, running his other foot up Dom’s leg, feeling satisfied when he sees Dom almost jump.

“I hope we’re not interrupting?”

Brian cursed in his head as he looked up and saw the two girls Dom had been talking to standing next to their table, both of them tanned and brunette, looking between them with small smiles on their faces.

“Actually my friend here isn’t feeling well,” Dom said standing up and dislodging Brian’s wandering foot, downing the rest of his drink. “I was just going to take him home.”

“Oh, no,” one of the girls said. “We were hoping you guys could help entertain us for the evening.”

“Sorry, ladies,” Dom replied, that charming smile he had coming to his face. “I should really make sure he’s okay.”

“Of course,” the other girl said, looking at him in concern. “Maybe we’ll run into you tomorrow?”

“Maybe,” Dom said, moving so he was standing next to Brian.

Looking up at him, Brian cursed him silently, wondering how he could stand up without revealing his ‘situation’.

“Here’s your jacket, Bri,” Dom said, pulling his jacket off the back of his chair and handing it to him.

Taking the jacket, Brian held it in front of him, covering his reaction from the girls, his breath catching as Dom wound one of his arms around his waist, the side of his body pushed against Brian’s.

“We hope you get better,” one of the girls called after him.

Trying to look sick, Brian gave them a wave, waiting until they were outside and headed down the alley to where they parked their car before he did something.

Pushing Dom up against the wall, he heard the low chuckle for a second before his mouth was closing over Dom’s, their tongues waging battle on each other, their bodies pressed firmly together.

He couldn’t help but groan as Dom’s arms went around him, his large hands grabbing his ass and pulling their groins together. He almost yelled as his erection rubbed against Dom’s, a thrill running through him as he realized that Dom was as turned on as he was.

“Fuck,” he gasped, feeling Dom’s hand pushing against his hardness, before his fingers undid the button to his pants.

“Maybe later,” Dom murmured against his lips, Brian feeling his smile, even as he groaned, Dom’s warm, large hand wrapping around his hard cock.

Not wanting to be outdone, Brian quickly undid Dom’s pants, pulling his cock out, glad to feel that the bigger man was as hard as he was, groaning and squeezing when Dom started to stroke him.

Leaning his head forward until it rested against Dom’s, he started to move his hand too, using all of the tricks that helped him, wanting to get the other man off first, while trying to hold his own orgasm back.

“Come on, Bri,” Dom whispered, his voice low and gravelly, sending shivers down Brian’s spine, the spiral in him winding tighter.

Biting his lip, he tried to ignore the pleasure running through him, as Dom kissed him again, nibbling on his lower lip, before sucking and kissing along Brian’s jaw, stopping when he got to Brian’s ear, sucking his ear lobe into his mouth, and making it hard for Brian to think straight.

“Come, O’Connor,” Dom murmured again, his mouth right next to Brian’s ear, the warmth breaths puffing against his skin, the final straw that pushed Brian over the edge.

With a groan he came, feeling even more satisfied when he felt Dom come too, the two of them panting and leaning against each other.

Pulling away, Brian wiped his hand on the wall and tucking himself away, grinning at Dom when he saw the lazy smirk on the other’s face.

“What?” he asked.

“Always just a fraction too slow, O’Connor,” Dom replied, making himself presentable, as Brian stared at him.

“Well, then,” Brian said, moving closer, pushing his body against the other man, mouth so close to Dom’s that he could feel Dom’s breaths against his lips. “If you won, then I guess I owe you, huh?”

Dom nodded, arms wrapping around Brian, hands cupping his ass and pulling him closer.

“That you do,” Dom replied.

“I think I want a rematch,” Brian murmured, grinning when Dom tried to kiss him, the bigger man growling and pulling him closer when he pulled his head away from the kiss.

“Oh, yeah?” Dom asked, eyebrow raised. “Seems to me you lost fair and square.”

“Except for the part where you were touching me in the bar, which is, technically, probably, considered cheating, Toretto,” Brian said, grinding against the other man. “Come on, man, what’s the matter? Afraid you’ll lose?”

Dom snorted, letting him ago, and pushing off the wall.

“Alright,” he said, trying hard to hide the smirk on his face. “But I think we should be somewhere more private for this round though, don’t want your lose to be seen in public again.”

“Sounds cool to me, man,” Brian replied, grinning as Dom started to stride away, not taking long to catch up with him, the two of them walking silently to the car.

“Oh, and Brian?” Dom said, just before he got into the passenger’s side. “When I win next time? I will collect my prize.”

Snorting, Brian got into the car.

“Whatever you say, Dom,” he replied. “Whatever you say.”


pairing: brian/dom, rating: r, fandom: fast and furious

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