Prompt Fic - Box of Chocolates

Jul 01, 2010 16:23

Title: Box of Chocolates
Rating - PG-13
Fandom - Twilight
Pairing - Jacob Black/Edward Cullen
Spoilers - None
Summary - Jake finds another present when he goes to his locker. Second story in 'Courted by a Vampire' series. Sequel to A Rose
Prompt - from 10_glances  - # 13 - chocolate
Disclaimer - Not mine, if Twilight was, things would've happened a lot different. All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer and her affiliates.

Picking the box up, he opens it, smile turning into a grin as he sees his favourite chocolates in there, taking one out and biting into it, the gooey strawberry centre oozing out over his lips, his tongue flicking out to lap it up.

“Another present from your secret admirer?”

Turning, he gives Bella a grin, shoving his books in his locker, before turning and walking with her to the cafeteria, the box of chocolates in hand.

“Any idea who it is?” she asks, looking at the box intently, eyes searching for something on the box. “Did they leave a note this time?”

“No,” he replies to her second question, already knowing who left them for him, although he’s not a hundred percent sure, a part of him saying he’s crazy for thinking Edward is leaving him gifts.

His cheeks heat up a little as he feels the intense gaze on him as they enter the cafeteria, his heart picking up its pace as it watches him make his way over to the Pack’s table.

“Dude, someone got you chocolates?” Jared asks, making a grab for them, rubbing his arm when Jake punches him, hard.

Sitting down, he keeps the box on his lap, not wanting his brothers to eat what was meant for him and, he’s pretty sure, him only.

“Why don’t I get chocolates?” Embry asks. “I’m the good looking one of the group.”

“You wish you were the good looking one of the group,” Jared replies, throwing a fry at him.

“Please, like either of you compare to this,” Seth answers, indicating to himself.

Shaking his head, he can’t help but smile at the other’s antics, their argument becoming background noise as he takes out a chocolate, eyes rising and meeting copper one’s as he bites into it.

He watches Edward’s eyes flick down to his lips as he licks the strawberry centre that oozed onto them away, his breath catching as their eyes meet again, Edward’s eyes much darker then they had been a moment ago.

Grinning, he winks at the vampire, before turning back to the conversation, leaning over and stealing some of Jared’s food while the other boy continues arguing with Embry and Seth, a wide smile on his face, happiness making his chest warm.


Romeo's Pause - Third Story in the Courted By A Vampire Series

series: courted by a vampire, pairing: jake/edward, fandom: twilight, prompt fic

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