Fic - Possessive - Chapter 18

Jul 01, 2010 15:23

Title - Possessive
Chapter - Missing (18/20)
Rating - R/NC-17
Pairing - Jake/Paul, canon couples
Disclaimer - Don't belong to me. If I did own it, things would be much much different. As it is, all characters and recognisable plots belong to Stephenie Meyer and her affiliates. I'm just doing this for fun!
Spoiler - Up to New Moon at least.
Warnings - OOC - I thought I would put this here just in case people read it and are like 'it's OOC'. Paul isn't as angry in this story, but there is a reason for that. After all Paul calmed down a lot in BD *cough*. Not that that's hint or anything ;).
Summary - Possessive can be defined as "having or manifesting a desire to control or dominate another, especially in order to limit that person's relationships with others". Paul isn't the only one in La Push who's possessive.
A/N - As always huge, huge thanks to those who reviewed and let me know what you thought. You guys rock. Also big, big thanks to everyone who read  *cookies for you*.

WARNING - There may be some triggers for some as it starts to go down a non-con line (doesn't go that far but enough for people to feel uncomfortable) (feel free to skip this chapter - the important parts are explained in later ones).

Chapter 18

Groaning, Paul wakes up slowly, his eye lids feeling like heavy weights, frown crossing his face as he feels cool fingers brushing over his neck, over the spot where Jake had been sucking on earlier, eyes snapping open when he feels a cool tongue lap over the spot.

When his eyes finally open and he takes in the wooden roof, everything that had happened earlier comes crashing back, images flashing through his mind; of the leech gripping his sister, threatening to kill her, his sister's terrified face as black edged into his vision.

He tries to move, but is stopped by a steel vice on his arm, eyes blurring before taking in the marble white hand gripping his arm, hard.

"Now, now," the vampire murmurs. "None of that."

"I'm going to rip your throat out," Paul replies, eyes glaring at the dark one's in front of him.

"That's not very nice," the leech continues, his hand cupping Paul's cheek.

He flinches away, something like panic running through him when he realizes that he can't phase.

"I prefer you in this form," the leech says, hands petting him, as if he can read his thoughts, as if he can stop Paul from phasing.

The leech laughs, the sound making Paul grit his teeth, thinking of ways he can get out.

"What the hell do you want?" he asks, still trying to pull his arm out of the grip.

"Just you," the leech replies, pulling him closer and gripping his other arm, to keep him close.

"Sorry," Paul answers, searching for a way out of the situation, trying to figure out how to take the vamp down without phasing. "I'm already taken."

Not that I'd be with you if I wasn't, he thinks to himself.

"An imprint isn't the only way to find your mate," the leech murmurs, dropping his face so that he can nuzzle his neck.

Paul allows it for a moment, before bringing his leg up, kneeing the other man hard in the groin, the shock enough for him to pull an arm free and punch the vampire in the face.

He bites back a yell, his hand throbbing from the hit, glad to see the hit confused the vamp and moving quickly towards the door. He almost makes it, his hand on the door knob, before he's thrown back, landing heavily on a table, crashing through it, a shard piercing his leg.

Biting back a groan, he grabs his leg, taking a deep breath and pulling the splinter of wood out, hand gripping his leg as blood starts to ooze out.

"Why do you have to make this hard, mei lupus?" the vamp asks, stalking towards him again.

The leech shakes his head, sighing softly and running a hand through his hair.

"This would be a lot easier on everyone if you'd just accept the inevitable," he continues, crouching down, his eyes roving over Paul's body in a way that makes him grit his teeth again.

He waits until the vamp reaches out to touch his cheek, moving quickly, using the leech's imbalance to push him to the floor, moving quickly to the door, trying to ignore the pain coming from his leg.

He's slammed up against the wall even before his hand touches the knob this time, the leech using his body to push him into the wall, his cold breath on his neck, the complete opposite of Jake.

"I'm trying to be … understanding here, Paul," the vamp hisses. "But you're not making it easy."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," he mutters sarcastically, trying to push the other man off.

"You're forgiven," the leech replies, dropping a kiss on his neck, the feel sending shivers of revulsion down his spine, one of the vamp's hands gripping his and pulling them over his head. "This time."

The leech trails his free hand over Paul's chest, the feel making the wolf in him want to snap and snarl, but not able to come to the surface.

"Who the hell are you?" he grinds out, eyes flicking around the small cabin, still looking for a way out, wondering when the others would arrive.

"They're not coming, Paul," the vamp taunts, nuzzling his neck. "Your pack. They won't be able to follow your scent."

Looking the leech in the eyes, he can see that the blood sucker did try to throw off the trail.

"They'll find me," he replies, his chest tightening.

Jake would find him.

"Your little puppy can try," the leech murmurs against his neck. "But he will fail."

The leech's hand slides up until he's holding his chin in place, eyes darkening, before leaning forward and kissing him, his mouth moving hard against Paul's.

Trying to pull his head away, he keeps his mouth shut, glaring as the vamp pulls back, starting to feel light-headed.

"So stubborn," the vamp whispers, before kissing along his jaw.

Leaning his head back, Paul tries to focus on phasing, trying to will the wolf out.

The bloodsucker grins at him, his hand running down the front of Paul's chest, his hand resting just above the waist band of Paul's shorts, Paul's blood running cold as the situation suddenly takes a different turn to what he'd thought.

"Don't," he says, something like fear and panic rushing through him.

The leech kisses him again, cold tongue lapping at his lips, sucking on his bottom one as he draws back, his fingers undoing the top button, everything becoming surreal, like a dream, as the blood loss and shock crash over Paul.

"Don't" he says again, trying to struggle, to get away, but the vampire's hold on him is too strong.

"Paul," the vamp starts to say, as his hand works his zipper down, only to be interrupted when a loud crash is heard, a russet wolf and another leech crashing to the ground, before Jake rips the vamps head off, standing up and glaring at the one holding Paul against the wall.

Jake growls low in his throat and Paul sighs in relief, knowing that the rest of the pack won't be far off.

"Jacob," the leech hisses, his hands tightening on Paul's wrists, the bones grinding together at the hard grip.

Jake growls again, crouching down, readying himself, and Paul feels his heart race, hating the fact that he can't help, that he's being held by the vamp, useless.

He's not ready for the lunge when it comes, his breath almost knocked out of him when Jake tackles the vamp, his body brushing warmly against Paul's, the two of them ripping and biting and fighting.

They crash out the door and Paul slumps to the ground, taking deep breaths, as anger and a sense of shame run through him, his head leaning back against the wall, breaths and heart rate starting to slow.

Closing his eyes, he tries to focus on the phasing, knowing that the wolf is there, but that he can't seem to find the switch he usually uses to change into his wolf form.

Sighing, he pushes himself up, limping over to the door, hand tightly gripping the wound that is still bleeding.

If he can't help Jake as a wolf, then he can at least try in his human form. He won't be useless.

His eyes widen as he sees the battle going on outside, the pack having arrived, fighting the coven of vampires that have turned up. He watches as the pack start to rip the blood suckers apart, some of them fleeing in a blur, while those who remained fell.

Leaning against the porch railing, he closes his eyes for a moment, eyes snapping open when a warm hand grips his arm gently, tensing until he hears the smooth voice, not realizing that he'd had his eyes shut long enough for the battle to be over.

"Paul," Jake says, his voice full of relief, his other hand cupping his cheek, thumb rubbing gently along his skin.

Swallowing hard, he looks away from the expressive eyes, hating that he hadn't been able to help his pack, his imprinted.

"Are you okay?" Jake asks quietly, as the other's start collecting the bloodsucker's bodies and putting them in a pile to burn.

"I'm fine," he replies, pulling away from the warm touch, limping as he moves down towards the bodies, skin crawling as he smells the leeches scent, the ghost of the vamp's hands on him sending another wave of revulsion through him.

He can feel Jake right behind him, can feel his worry and concern and love. He wants to reach back and take comfort in the other boy, but he knows he doesn't deserve to.

"Can you see the one who orchestrated this?" Sam asks him, coming to stand near him.

"You guys ripped them to pieces," he replies, trying to put his usual swagger into his tone. "Can't really tell."

"We got them," Jared says, huge grin on his face as he punches Embry in the arm. "Finally got to rip some blood suckers apart."

He fakes a grin, giving a small nod, swallowing hard as his head starts to spin.

"Paul?" Sam asks, worry crossing his face, before everything goes black.


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A/N - Poor Paul seems to be the one that gets hurt in this story. As always let me know what you thought. And, OMG, ECLIPSE! Wow. Soooo much better then I thought. Jake was just heart breaking in it. Great movie (LOL, that could be the sleep deprivation talking though). If you've seen it, what did you think?

fanfic: possessive, pairing: jake/paul, fandom: twilight

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